By Anonymous - 17/06/2009 16:32 - Russian Federation

Today, at my job in a chemists, I had a customer ask me which acne cream I would recommend. I picked up the brand I use and told her that I've been using it for a year now. After pausing to stare at my face for a second, she thanked me and picked up the competing brand instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 044
You deserved it 5 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

agree to #3. Your skin gets used to it and it stops working, thats why you have to frequently change acne medicines. And i feel for you, i have horrible acne and i know its nobody's fault and sometimes you just cant beat it. And for all of you who are going to comment saying that its his fault for having acne YOUR WRONG. On a lot of people no medicine can get their acne away. I was my face 3 times a day with some of the most expensive acne medicine in the US and it barely works. Ive used proactiv, cleannclear, and abogi. None of them worked that well


agree to #3. Your skin gets used to it and it stops working, thats why you have to frequently change acne medicines. And i feel for you, i have horrible acne and i know its nobody's fault and sometimes you just cant beat it. And for all of you who are going to comment saying that its his fault for having acne YOUR WRONG. On a lot of people no medicine can get their acne away. I was my face 3 times a day with some of the most expensive acne medicine in the US and it barely works. Ive used proactiv, cleannclear, and abogi. None of them worked that well

#12 You just have nasty skin, deal with it. Not everyone is like you. Some of that stuff actually works on us.

Not always. I was on it two years ago and my acne has recently come back.

yeah , in the past week ive had the worst breakout , all over my face , ughh. probably because its been cold lately and i have sweat that much trust me, the more you sweat, the less acne you have.

ohhhhshizzz 0

over using medication doesn't help.. that makes it worse.

pickwick716 0

that's because you are an ugly monster nobody would want to touch anyways #12

0.o thats such an idiotic response, i dont even know what to say about that. Apparently youve never been to Junior High or Highschool. Everyone in my school has atleast a bit of acne. 0.o idiot.

pickwick716 0

0.o doesn't do as much as you think Shrek.

I_Am_The_Edge 4

I've heard stuff like this happen before. That's really insulting although I'm sure it wasn't intentional.

#15, im a teen, lol its not like its permanent, the reason it doesnt work on me is because i have horrible mean hormones. I was just stating a point that for a LOT Of people it doesnt work. No biggy. And i know it works for some people. Im just saying.

FYI, getting regular sleep and washing your face with water daily helps fight acne more than any of the anti-acne creams and washes do. Eating healthy helps a lot too. If all else fails, Doxycycline helps suppress it very effectively. Ask your doctor. FYL though

agree completely. I used to have horrible acne that resisted almost any treatment; then I started eating healthy (ie: vegetables at every meal, very little fried food) and exercising daily and I haven't had any new pimples since. Swimming pool water also seems to be way more effective than anything specifically targeting acne, so you could just go swimming (or soak in the pool for awhile) then slather on moisturizer afterwards.

Tell her you never go hungry because you have a pizza face.

Wow, you must have low confidence. You mineaswell go dress up in a mini skirt, hoochee heels, and a crop top with a thong clear and showing. Get a life and gain some confidence. Maybe YOU need to use some clense in clear

Maybe YOU need to use some ******* spell-check. Your post is all kinds of atrocious.

lol, it is kinda messed up isnt it? Oh well.