By Anonymous - 17/06/2009 16:32 - Russian Federation

Today, at my job in a chemists, I had a customer ask me which acne cream I would recommend. I picked up the brand I use and told her that I've been using it for a year now. After pausing to stare at my face for a second, she thanked me and picked up the competing brand instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 044
You deserved it 5 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

agree to #3. Your skin gets used to it and it stops working, thats why you have to frequently change acne medicines. And i feel for you, i have horrible acne and i know its nobody's fault and sometimes you just cant beat it. And for all of you who are going to comment saying that its his fault for having acne YOUR WRONG. On a lot of people no medicine can get their acne away. I was my face 3 times a day with some of the most expensive acne medicine in the US and it barely works. Ive used proactiv, cleannclear, and abogi. None of them worked that well


trojan124 0

Different things work for different people. I'm 18 and rarely get zits, but I use relatively cheap clean n clear to prevent them. It makes my friend's skin break out like nothing else though. I've never been in the acne boat, but I think people saying rude things are horrible. It's not something you can help, and most people with it try to get rid of it.

Yulia_fml 0

Am i the only one wondering wtf is a chemist's, and why a chemist carries acne medication? A pharmacist maybe...?

#32 a chemist is a pharmacy, a drug store. I think they call them chemists in the UK?

How did u know she picked up a competing brand

haha thats pretty funny i feel ya tho, damn zits just seem to love me as well

I'm sorry :( acne sucks!! get on acutane, it seriously saved my life!! sure u have to take a medication for 6months but now I have perfect Barbie skin, and hvnt had a pimple since

mister_moops 0

how can you even call the customer a bitch? she saw the op was pizza faced. it's not the customer's fault she advertised something that looked like it didn't work for shit.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Awwh. FYL for having acne. but ydi a little cause you recommended a brand that (obviously) doesn't work too well. But the FYL outweighs the YDI YLIF. Seriously. D: