By :( - 06/06/2013 23:37 - United States

Today, at my new job at a funeral home, my boss threatened to fire me if I didn't "lighten the hell up" while dealing with our grieving clients. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 905
You deserved it 4 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They already have to see a dead person in a coffin, they shouldn't have to see one behind the counter too, or whatever your new job is.


My dad is a funeral Director. What he says is have a reassuring attitude. Don't mourn with the family but be there for comfort, and support. Remember you're helping them celebrate life, not to mourn the death. Hopefully things will get better OP :)

as a funeral director myself I can see how both ends work out..but it all comea down to how the funeral director is towarda his families that make grieving easier. if your feeling to sympathetic for them your only making it seem harder. you need to have a light side where your sympathetic but casual at the same time and be more personal with them so that it might easy the thought of there deceased loved one enough so that making the arrangements wont be so hard. and dont be afraid joke with them. but make sure you judge your family right first cuz not all families are easy to deal with. good luck in your career. its a rough and tough one. trust me lol

Silly OP, who ever told you that death is not a laughing matter? :/ FYL.

Wow. Thats blind man. Does he want you to go all Barney on them when they are grieving?

Maybe he just wants you to live up to his company's motto "Putting the fun back into funerals"

The_9th_Doctor 18

what's he want you to do? throw a ******* party?

doglover100 28

He probably wanted you to have a reassuring attitude and help the family focus on the happy moments with the deceased.

I kind of see his point. Funerals should be celebrating the person's life and achievements. Everyone else being sad would make the guests feel worse.