By DyingPlants - 10/10/2011 03:27 - United States

Today, during my first date with a girl I've liked for awhile, she tells me about some minor disabilities she was born with. Wanting to be honest with her too, I tell her I'm slightly autistic. Her response was, "I'm sorry this isn't going to work. I can't date a retard." I had to eat alone after that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 963
You deserved it 3 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

omfg_creepers 8

What a bitch *****. I hope she falls off here bike and gets small rocks stuck in her knee and cries.


honeypixi01 0

Don't worry, she'll die alone.

reddawn85 8

That's what first dates are for, bud.

meggo91 9

i slap the bitch i hate it when ppl use that word its not right i have a learnig disbility im glad my bf dnt judge me by that youll find a better girl :))

liy223 6

She keeps treating people like that, she'll be the one eating alone for a very long time.

soooo not all people with autism are highly intelligent. less than 1% are savant. as for the rest, autistic people are pretty normal in the range of intelligence. while some may fixate on a topic of choice and be extremely knowledgeable in that field, just like everyone else, intelligence is individual and not determined by their disability.

that was meant for the ... other ... 18. hey mods, what hell?

you're probably right. people with autism typically have high IQs

No they do not. People with autism typically have low to average iq's

You'ready wrong on that. The ones with low iq are actually in the minority

Angelrose2004 17

She has a pretty low iq herself if she thinks people with autism are "retarded." I'm sure they are 20x smarter than her! What a bitch!

amayalives4music 1

She wouldn't ever realize it. And she would still be going out with you. Sorry, but I think she's an idiot.

You don't need her, on behalf of every stupid dumb bitch like her I want to apologize. You can do way better than her anyways.

20 for a stupid dumb bitch, you're surprisingly perceptive and thoughtful.

Good riddance. She totally did you a favor. Autistic people are incredibly intelligent and sensitive individuals. I know a man who is autistic and I enjoy his company more than most. **** her. You deserve better.

perdix 29

I can't believe I'm reading such a bigoted, prejudiced stereotype! Is it supposed to be "PC" if the generalization happens to be positive? Some autistic people are nucking futs, and are neither intelligent nor sensitive.

Jesus Christ, positive stereotypes are just as bad as negatives.

Honestly, that's not true. Even sone high-functioning autistic people are very low intelligence. I've seen people all over the spectrum from mid-functioning/ high IQ to high-functioning/low IQ, you can make a blanket statement on something as diverse as autism (and all other diseases on the spectrum). Autistic people tend to fixate on one thing and know everything there is to know about it and can come across as very knowledgeable, but that doesn't equal high intelligence. One kid I worked with was a genius at things like video games, but read at a 2nd grade level.

gurly98 13

Actually if an ausistic person has one thing that nobody knows how to do they're considered sevant

omggtfomi 1

100 you obviously don't need to work with people who are autistic because Autistic people are highly inteligent. if you did your reserch you'd know that they can do several things that people without autism cannot. For example we have a much deeper understanding of how others close to us might feel and we also understand animals more deeply than others. You should pick up book called "autism and the god connection" it will help you understand people like us much better then you obviously do now

all4pooh 4

#158 A savant is someone who is legally retarded(that is the actual term) but has an incredible skill

259 - you are making a blanket statement and you're wrong. I don't need to read a book when I live with it and work with it. Truly, there are very intelligent autistic people, but absolutely not "all" of them are.