By YourAverageFckUp - 23/08/2015 01:21 - United States - Richmond

Today, even after explaining to my boyfriend that I was self conscious about my breasts because they're slightly misshaped, he still persisted with begging me for a tit pic, saying he would still see me as beautiful. I gave in and sent one. He responded with "LOL WHAT ARE THOOOOOOSSSEE." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 590
You deserved it 14 857

YourAverageFckUp tells us more.

OP here. First, thanks for all the support and funny comments :) no, my face wasn't in the picture. He said he did it to lighten the mood. He apologised and then surprised me by showing up at my place with flowers and chocolate to make up for it. Happy ending after all!

Top comments

Ask him for a dick pic and do the same thing.

That was really insensitive. Especially if it's about something you yourself are not comfortable with sharing.


lexiale 10

He's a jerk for pressuring you to send those pics. OP if you aren't comfertable doing something don't give in and do it.

I felt pressured to send my boyfriend pics for the first time. He brought it up many times over a few months. When I finally felt okay sending him anything and asked for something back, he said "oh I'm not fully comfortable sending them now" and "you took your time getting comfy with sending them so I'm gonna too" like wtf? I got so pissed over that. You can't push someone to send pics if you won't even send any back!

#76 damn. That's ******* ridiculous. If anyone is uncomfortable sending nudes of themselves then they shouldn't expect them from anybody else!

I think the breast thing to do is to talk to him. Don't jump to a breakup, he might be just joking (though it's an inappropriate joke) to break the tension. I know how you feel OP *hugs*

Knowing how uncomfortable she was though, joke or not he needs to go. It's not funny or okay. My best friend once had a similar situation where her boyfriend pressured her for tit pictures. She gave in and in response he sent a nice perky pair of **** back and told her that was what they should look like. Sending pictures like that makes you vulnerable. **** that guy.

I'm just saying that I wouldn't dump him in the spot, and that's better talk to him first, though she would still be entirely right in dumping him. About your friend, I'm so sorry for her. What a major asshole.

theamazingd 17

I see what you did there...

karbiee 15

sounds like an asshole. ignore him! every size is beautiful.

Im sorry but that was a good won. Just except who you are and dont be ashamed of your body

This is as effective as telling a paraplegic person to just get up and go for a walk.

Too many things wrong with this post -.-

Hmm... I thought it was *one. Win doesn't make sense.

That sucks OP, but seriously, NEVER SEND NUDE PICS! Those things are out there forever! What were you thinking? Your boyfriend sounds like an immature twerp.

sammiking 13

What the ****? It's not her fault. You can send your significant other nudes. It's not her fault the boyfriend is a prick. And it also wouldn't be her fault if they got leaked. Guess who's fault it would be? The person that leaked them.

I mean if it's her bf and he hasn't even seen her **** yet then the best way to show him probably wasn't by sending tit pics.

Although it wouldn't be OP's fault if the pictures got leaked, it could be very embarrassing for her. Noone's saying it's her fault, but "don't send nude pics" does sound like good advice to me. I assume OP hasn't been seeing this guy for a long time, so that's all the more reason to be very cautious with these things. I hope it's at least a pic of her boobs only, not one where her face can be recognized.

They might be in a LDR so it's the only way to show him. The fact is she refused at first but her boyfriend wouldn't let up. It can be hard to keep saying no, especially to your significant other

Why does she have to show him? Everyone needs to learn how to say no sometimes. If he's dying to see her boobs he can come see her.

What the ****? Who said it would be her fault? You're too hung up on that - all I said was she could save herself grief by just never sending them. Of course you CAN send pics to your SO. Doesn't mean you SHOULD. For one thing the NSA probably saves them all, LOL.

sylvienoir 18

Some of you need to get a sense of humor. Yeah, it was insensitive, but no one is perfect, and it doesn't seem like it was an intentional jab. If you break up with everyone over every little mishap no one is going to stay together for more than a week, and I guarantee ALL of you have made inappropriate jokes. Jeez, is this what we do now?

karbiee 15

i think OP is upset cause he pressured her into sending it and then made fun of her.

Rosebudx 32

No, that was pretty obviously intentional. She had just explained to him that she was self-conscious of them, and even if his visceral reaction was a startled one, he chose to text her his disgust/disbelief. He does not respect her, that "joke" was more than insensitive and not remotely funny, and at the very least she needs to have a serious conversation with him. My boyfriend makes a lot of jokes about my body and his, but it took us a long while to get to that point. Think of it like this: if you make a rude comment over everything your girlfriend is/does, your relationship won't last more than a week because you're a prick.

When you tease someone about their body, you have to be close and you DEFINITELY don't do it about something you know they are self conscious of. Not to mention he badgered her into sending the picture in the first place.

Your reply could have been "deal with it"

She should have known better? Are you serious? He manipulated her into trusting him and revealing herself before she was comfortable and you're blaming her... He is scum. He should never have been able to see another breast after he stopped sucking his mothers, pathetic excuse for a human.