By NewJobBlues - 14/04/2017 18:00
Top comments
Yes, any time means whenever they happen to need you. Cross your fingers they don't fire you for lying about your availability.
How could you agree to a job without knowing the possible hours required when you agree to be able to work ANY time? You should follow up that question with what hours they have people working so you know if they do indeed mean something insanely early or late.
I'm a little surprised this didn't come up during the job interview. All of the places I've interviewed with have been pretty clear about what hours I was expected to work. Was I lucky? OP, I hope you're able to work something out.
Why would you say you could work anytime if you are clearly limited by the bus schedule? What do you mean, "I guess they meant that literally?" What other way would they mean it? I'm guessing this is your first job if you were asked a clear question by your employer, assumed they must be... I don't know what you assumed, and then flat out lied to them? Hella weird behavior on your part.
What did you think "Can you work any time" meant?
Just uber it for a while
OP here! The reason why I was so surprised is because they never mentioned a shift that started at 4:00am. I knew about the overnight shift, and the early morning shift when the store opened, but not once did they mention anything else to me. This is also my first job, so I didn't think to ask about what possible scheduling there would be. Plus, I had to change my availability recently but the schedule was already created before they knew about it (I'm a student and will be taking summer courses). I've already spoken to my supervisor, and they're willing to work something out.
...soooo you were never able to work at any time.
i don't get this. i'm the manager at my bakery and when new hires come to me like "oh, about my availability... it's actually changed" or "oh i forgot to tell you about x obligation i have" it's just a huge hassle. it's so much better to be clear up front because lots of places will fire you on the spot when they find out anyway and it's a huge waste of time and resources to try to get around their requirements. i get people who tell me they're open and i'm VERY clear on the hours and three days later they come to me saying they don't want to/can't close or work weekends or whatever. say what you mean and mean what you say, etc.
Is Lyft or Uber an option??
Yes, any time means whenever they happen to need you. Cross your fingers they don't fire you for lying about your availability.
How could you agree to a job without knowing the possible hours required when you agree to be able to work ANY time? You should follow up that question with what hours they have people working so you know if they do indeed mean something insanely early or late.