By Anonymous - 17/02/2017 18:00 - United States - Dayton

Today, I asked a very attractive girl out, then later I ended up talking with her. One of my friends comes up to us and points out that I'm beet red and, "blushing like a bitch". She notices and laughs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 184
You deserved it 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She was probably embarrassed by your supposed "friend's" assenine comment and was just doing her best to deal with it by laughing it off.

chessu 21

Look, if you were really beet red she would've noticed it with or without your friend. She clearly chose to ignore it and took it as a compliment as she hadn't left the conversation yet. And what else could she really do other than laugh at that comment? You'll be fine!


She was probably embarrassed by your supposed "friend's" assenine comment and was just doing her best to deal with it by laughing it off.

You managed to make her laugh, what more could you expect?

it's a good sign, girls like guys who make them laugh...

This is really an fml? You were laughed at. Suck it up. The girl obviously likes you enough to stick around I don't think she cares to much.

chessu 21

Look, if you were really beet red she would've noticed it with or without your friend. She clearly chose to ignore it and took it as a compliment as she hadn't left the conversation yet. And what else could she really do other than laugh at that comment? You'll be fine!

Perhaps you have a different definition of "friend", but I don't think that person is your friend. Good people don't treat others that way.

neuronerd 28

You should probably talk to your friend about making comments like that when you are in an important situation