By hclagopus - 14/11/2012 11:39 - Norway
hclagopus tells us more.
OP here. I did not try to pick her up - I am a 42 year old married father of three and even if I wanted a date I have enough knowledge of the world to know that hot twentysomething blondes prefer hot twentysomething hunks - but I did try to make her smile, and failed miserably. And my geek level is so low that I read paper papers and constantly need my twelve year old son to help with my Iphone. (Plus I`ve never seen the sequels) I realize the girl probably lacked humour more than Star Wars knowledge, but what the heck. My wife laughed her ass off when I told her, though, bless her.
Top comments
How dare she!
Haven't you seen that Disney parks commercial? Don't play with tube light.
Awe! I would have found it amusing.
I don't care how hot she is, how nice her skin is or how nice her body is- anybody who's never heard if Star Wars??? Does she live under a rock? Actually, was she an immigrant? Many people in my family who aren't familiar with American culture don't know Star Wars. It's possible that OP didn't mention that. But if not, that's just strange. That would be such a turn on for me.
Sorry, I didn't see where OP was from. Please don't comment on that, sorry again.
I don't know why everyone sees it as so childish. When a guy can joke around, it's cute. A reference like that would've attracted me like bees to honey, like many other girls.
not your fault this person lived under a rock
Did you think that was smooth? Maybe if she was a Huge nerd.
Yeah because making star wars references tend to help with the ladies...
I find her lack of culture disturbing.