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By MrsMusselLady - 24/04/2017 17:26 - United Kingdom - Huntingdon

Today, I came home from work to see that my dog had shit all over himself and his kennel. He eaten an entire cake when I'd left him home for 10 minutes by himself yesterday. This not how I planned to start my weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 158
You deserved it 762

MrsMusselLady tells us more.

MrsMusselLady 18

Lol no, it was my first weekend off after working 8 days in a row! I had gotten off work at 0700 and went straight home to that whole situation.

Top comments

Had you planned to start the weekend by eating the entire cake yourself and then...

Welcome to owning a dog, they are forever children and are allot of work. But it's worth it if you love rnem.


Had you planned to start the weekend by eating the entire cake yourself and then...

MrsMusselLady 18

Lol no, it was my first weekend off after working 8 days in a row! I had gotten off work at 0700 and went straight home to that whole situation.

So, what was the plan for the cake? Binge eat it at one shot or gradually over the weekend? Might you have shared some of it or was it all for you? Don't leave me hanging -- I gotta know!

MrsMusselLady 18

Aha my step mom made it when my family came to visit and it was just kind of sitting on the counter, and I was going to take it to work to pass out to everyone, but the dog got to it first!

Welcome to owning a dog, they are forever children and are allot of work. But it's worth it if you love rnem.

GIJoefan 6

I hope it wasn't a chocolate cake.

MrsMusselLady 18

If it wasn't a chocolate cake, it certainly was when he pooped it out.

Is this something that anyone plans?

Josh Jaron Avid 5

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It could be worse. I once let my dog drink some of the crock pot water after cooking some chicken. I only let her have it for a few minutes, but apparently she drank too much. A few hours later I woke up to her running across the bed and me while projectile-vomiting the chicken liquid. I was drenched and so was my bed and the floor.

countryb_cth 38

Hopefully that was the last time you let her have some. Grease is extremely bad for dogs, it's what killed my uncles dog. Also I'm not trying to be rude or anything like that I just wanted to pass on the info. If you're ever not sure what you can and cannot feed your dog there are many places on the internet that have lists and things like that.

lifestoosweet 1

maybe you shouldn't leave a dog all alone that long? might help.

maybe you should have him in a kennel when you're gone since he's obviously not trained.