By anon - 31/08/2009 09:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I checked my bank balance, to make sure that the last installment of my funding had been paid in, and realised that I'd been overpaid by £500. So, being honest, I told my boss about this. Turns out, I wasn't overpaid by £500, I was overpaid by £1000 and need to give it all back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 968
You deserved it 18 375

little_apple_red tells us more.

Hi, I'm the OP and thought I'd clear this up a bit... I mean, you can't fit much into 300 characters, so I can see why this is confusing... The university keep £500 of my funding to cover the costs of my project, that's why I was never meant to get the last installment of £500 in the first place - but I didn't know that. Yeah, I probably should have just kept it to myself, but meh, I'd feel too guilty as my boss is such a nice guy.

Top comments

Good decision, saved you lots of trouble later.

Well that sucks. FYL, but at least you were honest.

Comments wouldn't have given back the 1000? You ended up in the same place.

caligal14 0

My thoughts exactly. I don't understand at all...

caramelize 0
dotsdesu 0

you don't mind paying back 500, but a 1000 you have some trouble parting with?

the_stereotype 0

i get that you had to give back even more money, but you came there to give back the money that you didn't deserve and that's what happened. so you got what you asked for.

Hi, I'm the OP and thought I'd clear this up a bit... I mean, you can't fit much into 300 characters, so I can see why this is confusing... The university keep £500 of my funding to cover the costs of my project, that's why I was never meant to get the last installment of £500 in the first place - but I didn't know that. Yeah, I probably should have just kept it to myself, but meh, I'd feel too guilty as my boss is such a nice guy.

YDI for being honest!! I got paid 200 over one time when I was 16 and I skipped all the way to the bank =)

But in the UK it's illegal to keep any extra money that you were paid by mistake. If I didn't say anything and they found out (which they would) I'd probably get kicked out of uni.

deja54 0

That's probably illegal in all countries, as it's called "stealing".

LaLaJoy 2

You're a good person, haha. :)

tsim_fml 0

20- You fail big time. "0 for 0 confirmed" you are not OP but nice try

He could have multiple accounts. I do. So there.

You did the right thing. If they'd noticed later on, you'd have to have given it back anyway. At least now they can be sure that you're trustworthy. Even though it's painful to give back that much, I would've done the same.

Yeah it is. It's one of those things where you get rejected by Karma.

sutherlandrb32 0

you probably should have kept it :/

wow. you are a better woman than i. i may have looked at it as a gift from the universe. but at least u get to go all the way with the honesty and give back the 1000. no gray areas dudette. the orchids' torturer has spoken.

123sploosh 0

HOW is this not an fml? please explain to me, somebody

You got overpaid and you did the right thing by being honest. FYL because you suck at calculating how much you got overpaid by? That's all I can think of.

wubbie6723 0

who cares. if u werent over paid it wouldnt matter. u still have the same amount of money u would of had

Well that sucks. FYL, but at least you were honest.

Good decision, saved you lots of trouble later.