By Anonymous - 10/09/2011 06:35 - United States

Today, I decided to formally introduce my girlfriend to my parents. My dad took the opportunity to apologize for walking in on us a few days ago while we were having sex. It wasn't her. Thanks dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 362
You deserved it 275 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Dads suck sometimes. But that girl has to realize she got cheated on because she wasnt doing her one and only job. That job being satisfying men.

Why_me499 21

oh really? so that's all girls are worth? well **** you asshole. you don't deserve a girl to ever give you a second glance. if you're looking for something to only satisfy your wants get a goddamned sex doll

You definitely deserved it!! poor girl!! Go to hell!!

LadyEmi 15

you're a ******* ass and so are all the other assholes that justifies that or agrees wit you and you and them both can just fall off a cliff and rot in hell!

I hope everyone finds out who you are and ruins you! and you never have sex or another girlfriend again!

You deserve it. Shouldnt be cheatin ya fool