By Keith walk - 12/02/2011 05:59 - United States

By Keith walk - 12/02/2011 05:59 - United States
By sometingwong - 01/12/2011 20:32 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/03/2011 16:21 - United States
By FML - 12/08/2010 16:19 - Canada
By Anonymous - 10/09/2011 06:35 - United States
By ifeeldirty - 27/10/2011 12:22 - United States
By topfisherman - 05/02/2010 20:17 - United States
By Creepedout - 25/06/2013 01:27 - United States - Clearwater
By graham - 11/01/2020 14:00
By Anonymous - 30/03/2015 10:30 - United States - Cincinnati
By meeranda - 01/01/2010 05:07 - France
Well, that's awkward. FYL :/
I just wana knock all ur teeth out and **** the bloody mess that would be ur mouth
0.O. creepy..
Wow 14, you have some serious issues. Don't reproduce, for the sake of the rest of the world. Please and thank you.
jizwold ******* as ur self need to go to a mental hospital even saying that over the Internet probably means u are just really screwed up and need help good luck mofo
dude seriously shut up! back in the roman era living to be 30 was a miracle so obviously they are going to be having sex a lot sooner but they were MARRIED, true be it forced, still nonetheless they were married, I am 17, the average age of those having sex, and I'm still a virgin due to the fact kids my age and younger don't need to be having sex they are to young, 20 needs to be the average age of those who have sex, well loose their virginity.
Honestly, OP, YDI. If you guys don't have your own place to have sex, you probably shouldn't be doing it. And before I get jumped on for being called a downer, if they can't afford their own place (or are too young to have one), they definitely can't care for a child were something to happen.
just tell him it was pitching practice
haha nice
#26 and he hit a home run.
Serves u right,next time get a room duh!
depends how old they are and which room they were in
YDI for having sex with her
Why? People have sex, get over it.
Sex is awesome.
sex is best saved for marriage, so at least respect the house rules. I can't believe that girls at my school are surprised I'm a virgin, what has the world come to?
Ironic that you save it for marriage but you number is 69 lol
lol #76 exactly haha
'sex is best saved for marriage' No. It's a personal choice, and 'the best personal choice' does not exist. It's different for everyone. Oh, and about that 'what has the world become' shit, just read a history book. Or my comments.
Thank you, 69. I mean sex isn't for just anyone, you should have it with your spouse. It may just be my believe on this matter but still.
People, it's a comment. Get over it.
Ok so this is probably just me being a perverted teenager but isn't it kinda funny how 69s comment was all about sex after marriage and her comment was #69, lol I love irony!
Let's hope you hit a homerun or else all you'll be hitting is balls, haha.
After he saw your bat handling skills do you think you will be riding pine?
Well, having sex with your coach's daughter wasn't a good idea in the first place.
If you're in love with someone, is it really important who the parents are? It may be awkward to fall in love with the daughter of your coach, your teacher, your principal...but that's not a major issue. And if they want to have sex with each other, let them, it's their choice. The dad probably can't deal with his little princess growing up.
22, you're right, it is their choice, but I just wish not everyone thought the same about sex.
It doesn't matter how old she is. If she still lives in his house then she must follow his rules.
So if she was 35 years old still living with her dad and he didnt want her having sex, she should just comply? Lmao
OP, just be glad he didn't teach you batting techniques, using your head as the baseball.
which head are you talking about? ;-) Lmfao
just tell him it was pitching practice
Well, having sex with your coach's daughter wasn't a good idea in the first place.