By Anonymous - 16/12/2011 22:02 - United States

Today, I discovered that for the last six months my mother has been leaving my TV on FOX while I sleep, in the hope that my subconscious will absorb it and turn me into "a morally-upright human being". FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 217
You deserved it 5 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yourlifesfucked 0

If she wants someone with morals, better try some other channel...

Leave her tv on the parenting channel, might help.


Last time I checked, fox wasn't completely "morally upright" my mother says that family guy is "weird shit." and then doesn't let me watch it. Of course it never stopped me. Be who you are :)

Shadow_Phantom 26

Ah, Faux News... yeah. Don't watch that shit, it's not safe.

No, your life would be ****** if it actually worked. Sorry you have to live with someone like that though.

Hehehe FOX making people morally-upright... Yeah Right

brick_man33 14

Fox will make you a paranoid sissy that is too scared to fight when shit hits the fan.

Infomercials are gomna make you moral upright?

Am I the only one who noticed the "my tv" part of the comment? What kid has their own tv?

Petunia888 13

A lot of kids do nowadays. I know, it's crazy.

Oh dear lord, DEAL WITH IT!! If my generation has computers, iProducts, cellphones, gaming consoles, then they would obviously have the invention that existed for the past 60+ years.

It's not like there weren't tvs around when I was a kid, but we had 2 in our house, and neither of them was "mine." I can see a computer, you need it for school. Maybe a cell phone, for safety. But do people really have a gaming console for each kid? Can't you share anything?

samikitty961 8

aren't there any republicans left in america?

SexyHindu 2

Yeah we are becoming extinct i think

No, its just that this site is biased. They keep bashing on FOX and I based on CNN and my comment got taken down. Regardless of this, the site is good.

mrbuddy 0

Funny , brainwashing has always been Fox's goal anyway. It must have worked on her and now they've got her doing it to you.