By trigfail - 25/09/2010 08:57 - New Zealand

Today, I failed my trigonometry exam because my scientific calculator was on the wrong setting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 598
You deserved it 46 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You had it set to "radian" when you wanted "degree" am I right?

tatiee_fml 0

Hahaha. And you didn't notice this at all...Shame on you, not the calculator.


haitilover 0

wut the **** how is this an fml go get a life instead of writting crappy

MizzHollywood 0

this is why we check it before. My teacher always made us check because on our final/regents he wasn't allowed to remind us to.

Clearly you didn't learn anything, because you never notices the answers were way off.

russianspy1234 11

If it was radians instead of degrees, which is the most likely case (a lot of scientific calculators default to radians whereas most early math classes work in degrees) then the answers are RADically different, to the point where someone who was paying any attention really should have noticed ie sin(30)=-0.988 in radians and .5 in degrees.

Well look on the bright side. I bet you won't forget next year, when you're retaking Trig.

how wud u not notice that...calculators are just suposed to help you not do all the work for you :P

If you can't tell the difference between degrees and radians you deserve to fail.

aairborne52 0

I almost failed my calculus test yesterday because I had it in degrees not radians.

band_geek556 0

next time check to see if it's in radians or degrees it isn't that hard.,.,,,

Ah well, at least you won't ever make that mistake again. However, it usually becomes fairly obvious if it's the wrong way around, and even if you don't notice after one set of odd answers to a question, didn't you twig on the second or third question?