By Dear God Why - 05/12/2016 13:07

Today, I finally determined the source of the horrible smell that periodically invades my apartment: there's nothing wrong with the plumbing as I previously thought, I can just smell my neighbors pooping in their bathroom on the other side of the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 396
You deserved it 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beardedbard1 6

Build a better wall! Make OP's bathroom great again!

That means they probably smell you too so Fml all around ig. ☺


lizziebear123 19

well that stinks...literally! hahaha! :)

Is that wall made out of single ply toilet paper? You know, I've been in some places with wall thin enough to hear conversations in full detail from the other side. But there has never been that issue with smell. You may wanna ask whoever's in charge of the building about that