By Dear God Why - 05/12/2016 13:07

Today, I finally determined the source of the horrible smell that periodically invades my apartment: there's nothing wrong with the plumbing as I previously thought, I can just smell my neighbors pooping in their bathroom on the other side of the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 396
You deserved it 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beardedbard1 6

Build a better wall! Make OP's bathroom great again!

That means they probably smell you too so Fml all around ig. ☺


What the hell do they eat that makes their BMs stink so bad that you can smell it in your place?!

Yes, I'm afraid your neighbor's eat Mexican. Trying to keep their influences on the other side of a wall would be futile. When you see them in public just say, homes, smell you later.

Me too...I am in this exact situation. My bathroom fan also doesn't work and there is no window.

Where do you live? Your walls sound like they're made of paper. I understand hearing neighbors thru the wall but smelling them? It's time to move.

Sounds like the Whole cell block needs to ask Santa for air freshener !!

"Taco Bell for life!" -OP's neighbors (probably)

Just start spraying air freshener every time you smell it in the bathroom. At ;least then it'll smell like someone took a dump in a rose garden. Or an irish spring. Or a desert oasis.