By Anonymous - 16/01/2012 14:15 - United States

Today, I found my boyfriend passed out on the floor. Then I passed out, due to anxiety of seeing him passed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 246
You deserved it 6 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't always pass out, but when I do, it's because I'm scared of passing out

Mr25_fml 14

I wonder if that would count as sleeping together..


You're very helpful in a crisis situation.

I never passed out bah bah bah I'm a fag and a douch bag.

PRpandaz 6

Im sorry, but that made me die laughing I could just hear the thumbs down im about to recieve

I have bad anxiety too. That shit sucks.

DexterDillinger 0

Just tried ta get some from my girl...she told me to go on FML

Made for each other, oh wait actually not. What if there is an emergency situation, one pass out and other one too pass out. You two need a new pair I guess.

TheVirtuoso 5

Well, as long as you're passed out together, that's all that matters. :D.