By EaglEye - 02/11/2016 08:29

Today, I found out that even though I suffer from insomnia most days, I can sleep within 5 minutes of studying Solid Mechanics, especially when I have an end term the next day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 371
You deserved it 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the good side, you just found a cure for your insomnia.

Sure, this is an FML now, but one day we'll all feel privileged to have read such an early draft of the award-winning, industry-changing "Impact of Solid Mechanics on Abnormal Circadian Rhythms".


Have you considered getting checked out for stress induced narcolepsi? :I If not, I think'd be a good idea, if it persists under similar situations.

I had the same problem in school. As soon as the lights went out and the Powerpoint slides came on, I was out cold. Reading textbooks had the same effect. But when I was actually trying to sleep, I'd lie awake until 4 am. Now when I have trouble sleeping, I watch open courses on YouTube. If it doesn't help me sleep, at least I'm learning something new!