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By katiebug - 12/07/2016 02:27 - United States - Topeka

Today, I was trying to get a good night's sleep before the huge exam tomorrow, which I'm extremely anxious about. The SAME night my neighbor below me is having a home birth. It lasted NINE HOURS. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 271
You deserved it 1 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you aware of her plans of having a home birth, and the fact that it was going to happen somewhere around this time? If so, you should've foreseen the possibility of having a very noisy night, nine hours is not uncommon. It does suck that this happened right before your exam. If your neighbour didn't inform you, that's just rude, and something you might want to talk to her about at some point when she'll have recovered from giving birth.

I'm not sure if people usually get a 24 hour notice of the precise time of giving birth. .


Blast **** next night at full volume!

I do not understand why this is downvoted. The audio should be identical.

My butt made a comment. Sorry! Down vote away!

Were you aware of her plans of having a home birth, and the fact that it was going to happen somewhere around this time? If so, you should've foreseen the possibility of having a very noisy night, nine hours is not uncommon. It does suck that this happened right before your exam. If your neighbour didn't inform you, that's just rude, and something you might want to talk to her about at some point when she'll have recovered from giving birth.

I'm not sure if people usually get a 24 hour notice of the precise time of giving birth. .

Of course not, but people generally do know more or less around which date the baby's supposed to come. If you're planning to give birth at home, and you have neighbours who will definitely hear you, I'd think it would be normal to let them know when it will probably happen. If she did inform OP, they should've at least been aware of the possibility that it would happen in the night before the exam. Doesn't mean OP could've done much about it, but at least it's not a surprise. I would be very pissed off if I'd have to deal with the noise of a home birth that noone bothered to tell me about.

Sorry, I misunderstood you a bit - but I agree completely. For her it was a wonderful event, but for the neighbours it's excruciating. If they warn OP, OP should've gone to a hotel and present her with a bill afterwards.Or even if they did warn OP, nobody should be forced to tolerate it at their own home all night long.

Present her with the bill? I really hope you are kidding. She definitely should have notified her neighbors but at that point she has no responsibility for what they decide to do. You don't present a new mother with your hotel bill.

I'm sure I'll be downvoted for this, but people who live in apartments should just give birth at the ******* hospital. You really don't know who you're disrupting otherwise.

I know a bunch of people who have or plan on having home births and they all mention letting their neighbors know, not only out of courtesy, but so that no one thinks there is a domestic dispute or a homicide or something awful happening. Police have been called on home births by concerned neighbors who weren't informed of the mother's intention to deliver at home.

...or OP could have gotten ear plugs. I would not present a new mother with a hotel bill either. It's loud and a bit rude to your neighbors, but at that point, it's also over. Time for the baby to keep you up instead.

If she could do it, so can you. I have faith in you!

Not sure who's being inconsiderate here, but that seriously sucks for both you and your neighbor. I hope you did well on the exam regardless.

What could OP have done that was inconsiderate? They were trying to sleep, which is not only daily and necessary, but typically a quiet activity. Unless they went banging on the neighbors door, the woman giving birth was the inconsiderate one. I understand wanting a home birth, so that's not the issue. If anything it's beautiful It's that she was in an apartment complex, and her wanting it in her apartment probably kept minimum people awake (two on each side and the above apartments). It could have been planned a little better.

She was having a home birth not blasting music at 3am. I'm not saying it wasn't noisy but the op could've used noise cancelling headphones or something. I know what a home birth looks like and the woman was definitely not screaming for 9 hours straight.

I think I would prefer some music over a woman thinking that all the neighbours surrounding her have to enjoy her homebirth with her.

Yes, 25, the fact that you have seen a home birth clearly means all of them go exactly the same way. Get out of here with your nonsense.

It amazes me that the lot of you can't for a second imagine that the op might've exaggerated for the sake of the fml like others have before. I know births are noisy, but to actually think some lady was continuously yelling through the entire thing is ridiculous. Contractions are painful yes, but the actual giving birth part lasts minutes and that's the only part I can imagine being super loud.

Doesn't need to be 9 hours straight, a scream or two every 20 minutes is still pretty damn hard to fall and stay asleep to.

You seriously need to educate yourself before you try to tell people off, little miss. Believe it or not some births do take hours. Some women have difficulty pushing, or the contractions take a long time, or they have to wait hours on end to even dilate enough to get the baby out safely. Ergo, it does not "only take minutes." Please either do some research before you reply again, or just go away.

My sister had her baby over a month ago and it took over twelve hours, and when my mom had my two younger siblings, it was 8 hours. Giving birth is different for every woman. basically what you said is in line with 'stop being dramatic about period pain, it's not bad at all' while many women mistake serious medical issues beyond their period as just severe cramps. You don't seem to know much about child birth.

There's nothing you or her could have done about it. It really sucks op, so FYL, and best of luck on your test.

There are a few things the neighbour could have done to be fair. Prior warning, handing out ear plugs, a hospital? I can understand not wanting to give birth in a hospital, but Birth Centers exist for that reason. To have a home birth that lasts all night in an apartment building where your neighbours are so close is unbelievably inconsiderate.

You're talking like the arrival of babies can be precisely planned. Short of inducing, it can happen any time inside of a pretty wide window.

Yeah the vast majority of people don't give birth at home. How do you think they all manage? You're talking like women suddenly become incapable of moving when labour starts. As the FML states, it can last hours, most women have tonnes of time to get to wherever they're going to give birth. My sister went into labour, went to the hospital, and got sent home and told to come back later because she was only 4cm dilated.

saffy66 34

Only nine hours? Believe me it could have been a lot worse. But I share your discomfort at having to listen to someone giving birth. When I was in the maternity ward with my son 26 years ago, a women from my pre-natal class spent about 16 hours giving birth to a 14 pounder, courtesy of its mother's gestational diabetes. She chose to go without pain relief, and by the time the kid was born, even the medical staff were nervous wrecks. Hope the exam went well anyway, OP.

You're right, it could've been much more than 9 hours. For my 1st child I was in labor at the hospital (few hours at home before that) for over 19 hours before I was finally taken for an emergency C-section.

My mom was in labor for over 36 hours with my brother. She was dilating, but very, very slowly. Everything was fine, it just took a very long time.

Fyl. This is why I hated the idea of a home birth. No matter how comfortable a woman may be in her own home it's just selfish to expect your neighbours to listen to them screaming for hours on end. Especially since the neighbours are going to have to listen to the baby cry for months after.

yeah well, when it comes to the noises it might even be better to have a home birth. you should definitely tell your neighbours before, but at least they aren't sick and need rest like the patients in a hospital. (sure they need peace too, but I think you get what I mean)

I'm conflicted with this, because a woman giving birth should always be comfortable, and if that means a home birth, then I support that. But when it comes to living in an apartment, I just don't think it's a good idea, thin walls and neighbours attached to you from all sides, it's just too much for such an enclosed and small space. I mean, most apartments where I live have noise bylaws for after 10pm, where tenants aren't allowed to vacuum, use the washer and dryer, play loud music, yell, etc, because of disturbing other people. A home birth would probably cause the same types of problems too.

Are you serious? The sick patients in the hospital are not disturbed by birthing moms. The maternity wards are typically on a floor all their own. I'm sure it's partly for the noise, but also to avoid exposure of newborns to disease and illness.