By fml - 02/11/2016 08:45 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, the mall I work at started playing Christmas songs on repeat. It's the beginning of November. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 148
You deserved it 1 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A few weeks ago I was at a rather large retail chain and saw Christmas decorations right across from the Halloween decorations. Dressing as a homicidal Santa Clause for Halloween briefly crossed my mind.

Having spent a few years working in retail I can confirm this is the most soul destroying part of the run up the Christmas. Because nothing enforces Christmas cheer like playing jingle bells on repeat


Honestly that happens in most retail stores... its just marketing. Not really a **** your life but a **** everyones lives.

polsen4273 8

Everyone else doesnt have to listen to it 40 hrs a week at work. OP does.

You think that's bad? My local art store had Christmas decorations in early June.

I work at a craft store that sells stuff for making Christmas cards/decorations/advent calendars etc. and as people like to start early, we already had the first Christmas dedicated aisle up in August. We actually had Christmas stuff up about a month before any Halloween stuff, it was crazy.

A few weeks ago I was at a rather large retail chain and saw Christmas decorations right across from the Halloween decorations. Dressing as a homicidal Santa Clause for Halloween briefly crossed my mind.

I don't think this is okay at all until after Remembrance/Veterans Day

I'd rather they wait until after Thanksgiving. At least this mall waited until after Halloween.

I like how every country seems to have certain ideas about when it's appropriate to start bringing out the christmas stuff. We don't do thanksgiving where I live, but we have St Nicholas (6 december) which is a pretty big deal, so generally stores will have St Nicholas decorations and only start the christmassy stuff after 6 december. Seeing how OP is from Singapore, I wonder if they also have such a "rule".

Having spent a few years working in retail I can confirm this is the most soul destroying part of the run up the Christmas. Because nothing enforces Christmas cheer like playing jingle bells on repeat

Working retail is the main reason I hate Christmas now. Totally killed it for me.

Don't worry, December 26th will roll up and then you'll get to see all the Easter decorations appear!

QueenEWe 6

Sounds awesome to me. Yea I know you all hate me. Bring on the down votes!

as someone who works in retail you are the worst kind person in the world.

They should be playing all that great Thanksgiving music on a continuous loop! "I got 99 problems and dry turkey ain't one." is my personal favorite.

It's beginning to look a lot like November

species4872 19

Just be thankful they decorate, Here in Oz they don't anymore for the most part because it may offend some prick.

Oh boo hoo you can't have Christmas decorations. How hard your life is(!)

dont know what state you are in, but in SA there is most definitely christmas decorations and music.