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By Anonymous - 21/05/2010 12:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that I'm named after my dad's favourite drink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 391
You deserved it 44

Top comments

Bloody Mary!! Brandy Alexander? Are you asian? Mai Tai? Dr. Pepper? Tom Collins? Jolly Rancher? Jolly Roger? Tell me now!!! I'm all shaken!!! Not stirred...

Expertfail 0

Could be a good thing, depends on the drink.


Expertfail 0

Could be a good thing, depends on the drink.

RedPillSucks 31

hah ahhaha Poon Tang! wait.... That's not a drink....

iSitt 0

whoop-ass energy drinks (tm) dot com ?

Volcomsmy_Lyfe 0

haha their name is probably Jose Cuervo not to be the English teacher or anything but you misspelled favorite....just saying

favourite is British favorite is American

Stupid Americans. Favourite is British. Favorite is American.

Volcomsmy_Lyfe 0

#56 haha notice that i said English teacher not old English...fag

You're an idiot. Did you not consider that the OP is English, and therefore spells it with a 'u' (making it correct)?

Favorite is not misspelled, it depends on where you live. Some countries people are taught to use the letter U in some words. Such as favourite, colour, honour.

the op is from the uk, so how can some miss spell favourite, which is the correct English.

Volcomsmy_Lyfe 0

well I speak american English not UK English so I wouldn't know

Bawls? Rockstar? welchs 100% juice? 2% milk? monster?

56- Shut up. Just because one person, who happens to be American, is ignorant, doesn't mean we all are. So stop stereotyping.

metalmaiden 0

Unless they're fancy and spell color as colour and cream as creme. O:

Then you should apologise to the OP for accusing him/her of spelling stuff wrong.

Volcomsmy_Lyfe 0
Giorgio272 2

is it: Steven Seagal Lightning Bolt??

Creme isn't English, it's just the French word for cream

#41 OP didn't spell Favorite wrong. There's a difference between American and British English. In American English, it's "Favorite" and in British English it's "Favourite"

DGAFprincess 0

whaddaya know... I have a dog named martini and a bunny named jäger! it's ok for pets... not children.

I don't know, I'm American and I believe a majority of our population is ignorant to the rest of the world. just saying. case in point, the doumb ass that corrected the op's spelling.

Ducati4623 0

your first name is male-ejaculation-fluid?

imdaboss_55 3

#93 stfu just because you are a bitter person doesn't mean that Americans are stupid. So it's best for you to gtfo

imdaboss_55 3

nvm the#93 comment changed srry

tweetbaby14 18
tweetbaby14 18

jack? tequila? henessy? Mary( bloody Mary)?Sam? Adam? hulk( yea it's a green drink)? kool aid? water? tea? iced? chamomile?

Burgessnk 0

CAN WE PLEASE, for the love of all that is good in the world; 1) Acknowledge that people in different parts of the world spell things differently. 2) Realise that people also make typos. 3) Read previous post before saying the same thing as dozens of other people. 4) Google first, then post. 5) Accept that there are stupid people everywhere, not just in America and that you can't judge an entire country by Internet user comments anyway. I have a friend who named her kid Jack Daniel. I died a little on the inside when I found out.


56, you are stereotyping all Americans as being stupid which shows that you have no class. I could stoop to your level and say that your people all have ****** up teeth, but I don't, do I?

I saw someone in the paper who named her child Tia Maria =[ The mother was about 15 >

godofcyanide 8

If we all had to name our kids after our favorite drink... My kid's name would be Screaming Nazi. :D

Volcomsmy_Lyfe 0

#91 umm usually don't look at the counrty or what state people are from so stfu and stop trying to act like way cooler than everyone else.. because anyone can do when their behind a computer

Burgessnk 0

^^ I don't mean to imply that all Americans are stupid btw. Just that there are stupid people other places too.

Volcomsmy_Lyfe 0

burgessnk that's true British people are always like stupid American but guys what theres stupid people all over the world and yes that includes the ever so elusive Great Britian

nickf227 0

Spelling cream like creme is just for when us Americans wanna feel all fancy when we order our drinks at Starbucks, lmfao.

Elusive? You mean British people are hard to comprehend and define? Or that we evade pursuit a lot?

Volcomsmy_Lyfe 0

no they seem to be able to not be the center of a coversation like we shouldn't talk bad bout them but for Americans it's ok

I'm fairly certain that's not what elusive means.

Umm.. So? I might name my daughter "island" after the long island iced tea and she better not complain!!

I would, if I was called Island. How about giving kids real names?

I know someone who named his son Alexander Keith.

he wrote in uk english...different to usa english

not all Americans r stupid u ignorant bitch.

Thats how the spell it in europe. Like colour. same thing.

ryguy997 0

from UK, so they spelled it their way.

slimm_shadyy 0

137- his use of elusive is right. if British people elude a conversation, they escape notice in a conversation. about the argument: it's all because of Nancy. OP- FYL hard buddy. who names their kid after a drink??

#41 that's the British way to spell favorite. Who's the retard now? 

i'm srry is this supposed to be an FML?

intrcptin46 0

my guess would be brandy? :P

DGAFprincess 0

clearly OP's name is jäger bomb. that's everyones favorite!!!

41 you are a closed minded bigot who ****** up and is now trying to cover for it by exposing your racist tendancies, and is now looking even stupider - not all Americans are stupid, but it's people like you who perpetuate the stereotype, and it's unfair on the rest of the fine American people here (especially Jessie :)) oh, and your photo makes you look like a tryhard ****** oh, and Australians also spell it colour :) have a nice day, douche

hubbabubbba 0
luvs_2_dance123 0

Morgan. As in Captain Morgan :D

In the UK we spell favourite with a u. We also spell realise without a z, and pronounce lieutenant differently. Isn't life fascinating?

Raider889 0

**** you both English and americans viva Mexico putid

192- calling someone a bigot AND a ****** in the same comment is a bit counterproductive. Also, "stupider" is not a word. Anywho OP, what exactly is in an "Anonymous?" PS, how do people in the UK pronounce lieutenant?

crazymanda87 0

lmfao yea that would be a good one

dum-dum 41. the brits spell it differently. like, Color and Colour.

41 that's how you spell it in like Canada and uk

zakkyzebra 11
GoSmegma 0

Actually, the spelling is correct, Mr. English Teacher.

in normal language "center" is spelt centre

That's how they spell it in the UK dumbass.... OP hopefully it's a good name!

redsox4021 0

same here my name is "pitch black"

British spelling of favorite, totally acceptable.

it's how English people spell it. the proper way, might I add... dumb American.

Be happy your dad's favorite drinks isn't Bawls

Favorite can be spelled as "favourite" in the UK. Duh.

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

56 that makes Americans the smart ones.

41: In Canada, we spell favourite with a "U" after the "O" It is proper Canadian English. We also spell "Colour" in the same manner

#153 my sons name is Evan Williams. so is that not a real name because it is also a brand of whiskey?

millicentcyster 0

no, they spelt favourite right. that's how you spell it in Australia and england (The correct way). so actually, all of America spells favourite wrong.


dick head 'favorite' is actually spelt 'favourite' in australia and probably a few other countries, google it next time coz now you look like a stupid ******

I'm with #90, Harvey Wallbanger was the first thing to come into my head.

no, actually, that's the British/Canadian way to spell it. just saying.

Not just English people, Aussie's use u in lots of words too, I just found out today, apparently we spell it, 'realise' instead of 'realize' stupid iPhone teching me to spell wrong for my country :P I found out when my boss was correcting the spelling on my resignation... fail and is your name Beer? :D

78- translation: I speak american English not English (being as technicaly it is their language) so all in all yes you were right your not an english teacher!!!!!!! jk :P

lol it would be funny if his name was beer and btw Kobe Bryant was named after Kobe streak, so don't feel too bad :)

124- lol sry but my kid would probably be lemonade :P oh and why hasn't anyone caught on 2 this in soviet Russia you are not named after drink drink is named after you!!!!

Blade89 0

41- poor he's English and that is how it us spelled there lol

lmfao, what the f u c k is your name?

favourite is English favorite is Americanized English

I wanted to reply to the post that said "Shirley temple" and had to scroll down a million pages because you idiots are arguing over something as stupid as spelling ! :( BOOO!!!!

heineken?! ohh yum. haha, or mike? for mikes hard lemonade... :p

"Favourite" is correct in both Canada and the UK. I know because I'm Canadian and a huge stickler when it comes to grammar and spelling :p

LovelyBizarre 0

awww means he loves you enough to name you after his favorite drink your probably the favorite child also to be named after something so special to him ;) cheer up OP could have been worse

Thanks for the tea, it was a lovely party...

her name is probably captain Morgan.

41- u fool they isn't American so their is a 'u' in favourite

Not to be the science teacher or anything, but the world revolves around the moon, not America.

actually, america misspelled favourite. I'm an Australian, and we use British English. And we are right.

334, i think you'll find the earth goes round the sun, not the moon - you are definitely not a science teacher!

121- picture ftw, tool is epic I think your name is "orange drink"?

124- that is awesome. anyways... sex on the beach?

tweetbaby14 18

people shut the **** up we get it's how ******* Brits, Aussies, and Canadians spell. and proper yea right. every country has a right and wrong way of spelling. at certain places in America it is considered wrong to spell words like realize as realise and color as colour. now ******* end it. also not all Americans are dumb but we are smart enough to go to the dentist when our teeth look messed up...

Wow 350, you claim not all Americans are dumb and then go on to insult the entire UK. Most Americans are smart, so I'm guessing you're the exception that proves the rule? The teeth comment is a little reductive. Maybe you can defend your country without insulting another one? Also I feel obligated to point out that due to the free dental and orthodontic care which is provided to low income individuals, most people have completely healthy teeth.

they spelt it the British way. the proper way.

favo(u)rite can be spelt 2 different ways, moron.

Silentknight 0

Not to be the Geography teacher, but... not really. That's how they spell it in UK.

no. being a Canadian website the op spelled it right. the word "favourite" is spelled lime that in canada

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

favourite is also used in Canada. fyi.

jenicaistgeil 0

He's from the UK. They spell favorite like favourite and color like colour

Favourite and favorite are pronounced the same way :P

41- talking about "English" teachers, "favourite" is how ur supposed to spell it, but Americans suck

SeedlessMe 13

Pendatik- I was thinking the same exact thing! hahaha wtf was that?

ChocolateEclaire 0

@334 The Earth revolves around the SUN. The moon revolves around the Earth.

ChocolateEclaire 0

@335 Because we wanted to be different after the Revolutionary war. Both ways are correct. Are we really arguing over a damn WORD? Really?How about we argue about important stuff.

manhattan? that wouldn't be a terrible name

Actually, that is a correct spelling. A lot of words are spelled differently in the States.

terranada 3

Well that's lovely my mum found my. Razors that I haven't used for a month and she thinks I'm still doing it and she's annoying me and now she's thoroughly cleaning my room searching for razors

ifyouseekamy666 0

my english teacher marked my whole essay up one time cuz I spelled "favourite" with a u but I think it looks better that way

ur all retarded ppl trying to sound intelligent can we all agree on that?

America is quickly becoming the world's stupidest country. I can't remember where I heard that, though...

I'm confused by your lack of punctuation.... and the order of your words...

ArielTheMermaid 17
Sugarsoda 6

Favourite is also Canadian :D

gingerrrr88 11

Dont forget canada :D and tia is a nice name after Tia Maria

MissKrissy 5

41- favourite is not spelled incorrectly, this person is from the UK. they also spell colour with a U as well.

Lostboy717 11

Yoo hoo? Shirley Temple? Is that you?

VampireKiller59 0

ya either shirley margarita or tela

doink 0

At Red Lobster, it is called a Lobsterita.

I was going to say OP's name was "Colt40"! hah racist joke (: btw #41 favourite is English(country)


okay idiots who don't know this, the first dictionary written in the united states (a Webster) had many of it's words' spellings change intentionally because back then (and for some ppl still now) Americans hate British teabag scumbags.

In England there's a brewery called Harvey's. That's what our family dog was called- Harvey! I wouldn't be surprised if someone else preferred Harvey's beer too.

a damn good one if there is fifty shades of her

bad_ass_chick 0
RedPillSucks 31

I can hear the family car trips... Slow!, stop hitting Bloody. Michelob, don't make me turn this car around! Tonica, stop touching your self!!!

Actually OP was named after the drink (Used Condom)... Coincidently that is also how OP came to be in this world as well.

RedPillSucks 31

**** and Jack went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. **** came back with 50¢. They didn't go up for no water.

unless it's a really stupid name. I know a girl that was named after her dad's favorite wrestler Dusty Rodes.

My brother's friend was named Six because the last name of the family was Packobush or something spelt like that

I would hate to be named after a wrestler but dusty isnt a horrible name especially for a girl. I on the other hand was named after a guy with the surname of Banger. Yea.. I'm serious

snonky002 1

maybe it was linked to your conception?