By LG - 17/03/2010 04:18 - United States

Today, I found out that I will be spending my spring break alone because my family is going to France. I can't go with them nor go with any of my friends because I have to take care of the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 666
You deserved it 4 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

neopoliandreams 0

just get your neighbor to feed it.


Story lacks credibility. Taken at face value, certainly FYL, but I strongly suspect there are other factors you choose not to share that explain why YDI

purrrrfect. cats take care of themselves. no on will know you've left. hurry!

xcanisx 0

Cats are fine by themselves. We leave ours alone for a week or two whenever we take a vacation. Clean the litter box, put down a big bowl of food and a big bowl of water and the cat should be set.

that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard! I'm sure there are plenty of things that you could do with the cat

ManUpFucker 0

You in college? Your parents are not required to take you to France if they don't wish to. Sucks that his happened but take this time to get caught up on work or spend time with friends who are local. IF it really bothers you then buy your own ticket somewhere and put the animal in the kennel. I am sure you could find something to do. This is not the end of the world. I am going to Chicago with my sister and parents, but my elder sister Eri can't go because she is independent and can't get off work. It sucks and she is unhappy but its part of growing up. You wouldn't want to take your parents with you on every vacation just because you are related and they paid for you before, especially if you get married and have kids. Its expensive. You get free rent, utilities and food for a relaxing week. Do something. Or kennel the cat and go do something.

sexton 0

sell your parents jewelry an take all the money from your house and get a dog leave abunch of food out to eat do the same 4 the cat and dont house train the dog. then head to vegas an come back right before ur parents do that'll teach them.

zendaddy0 0

i would turn off the v-chip and watch soo much ****

hmlftw 0

**** the cat go get it o. with a French chick xD>.<