By yonanon - 31/08/2012 12:02 - United States - Chesapeake

Today, I found out that if a guy you've been dating starts acting weird, there's probably a reason why. Like, perhaps, a wife and two kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 895
You deserved it 3 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BeforeItWasCool 12

Your best revenge will be to tell his wife. That way she can take his kids away. There is NO worse punishment than that. Sounds a bit harsh? No. This guy ****** around on his family. There's no excuse for that. Ever.


infamous56 0
bobbigirl71 2

Dont feel so bad-it shudnt be too off the wall to think someone looking 4 a relatiinship is single.this world is a mess and we can thank parenting skills of people like the lady above You telling the story of haviing her boss over 4 dinnr 2 "score a promotion"and her son is calling her horible names

SchwaggHall 9

How does he find the time? So not only is he a bad boyfriend/husband, but I'm pretty sure he is a bad father as well. This sucks op. FYL.

penguinpate 0

Try being the wife as two kids that finds out your husband has a whole secret life....I'm dealing with this now. It sucks.

neans1416 1

What an asshole! If I were you I would call his wife up and give her a little heads up about her husband! Karma will be a big bitch for him!

AdamNasty 0