By Anonymous - 27/09/2011 02:26 - United States

Today, I found out that my boyfriend is getting back together with his crazy alcoholic ex-wife who frequently cheated on him. In addition to this news, I also found out that he maxed out all my credit cards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 703
You deserved it 4 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CrassKal 27

Can't you attempt to sue him or something for theft?


I can't click on the FML abt the magnet shit :(

Dont hate on her cause she's grammatically inapt Bringing up a child by yourself is not easy...give her a break

Idontbelievethis 1

If his name isn't on them as a legal user, then thats theft. He can be with whomever but he better pay for what he took, amirite?

^ just go to the fml below it(this one) and click up on the top right corner to get to the one-sentence fmls

CuteDumBlonde64 11

Say this but in a country accent: I WANT MY MONEY BACK!! but sorry to hear that OP.

This state is full of crazy. Think the heat kills off brain cells. Sorry op.

Report it as credit card and I'd theft. He'll go to jail and you won't be in debt....Win/Win

Don't be hating on Florida! It's freakin' awesome minus all the cheaters, oh and crazy drivers! Lol