By bookbroke - 26/04/2016 04:27 - Canada - Regina

Today, I found out that someone found my lost library card, and instead of returning it, took out multiple items. If they don't return them, I'm on the hook to paying over $100 for them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 027
You deserved it 1 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report it. Tell the library you lost your card and someone else has been using it without your permission. I'm sure if you explain it they won't charge you.

DeadxManxWalking 27

the librarian who checked them out should be able to identify that you're not the person who checked them out. show an ID as proof.


kymyume 3

My library requires a photo ID to check out books. Identify theft knows no bounds. Sorry this happened OP!

Britt125 16

I mean, that sucks and all, but did you already know it was missing? If so you should have contacted the library so nothing could be checked out on it. Sadly we live in a world where you have to guard yourself against idiots like that, you shouldn't have to but you do. Kind of pathetic that somebody would steal a library card though.

black_crow78 3

You don't have a pin for your library card?

dietcoke09 25

Libraries usually charge a nickel (or a quarter) for overdue books. Libraries will also call as a reminder your book is due, the day it's due, and after a few days. $100? I'm going to call BS on this. I had overdue books out for almost a month and I didn't pay more than $5 dollars. Unless it's been years, YDI

The assumption that was made here was that whoever took out the books is not going to return the books at all (why would they, if they're not going to be held responsible for it?). OP is therefore on the hook for the full replacement cost of the books

dietcoke09 25

Why are you replying to me? I completely understand the point of the FML. I'm commenting to say that it's impossible. If you're so confident it is, do the math.

why haven't you cancelled it yet?..what are you waiting for?

Could it be that a family member took it?

randybryant799 20

Oh for heavens sake. Did you talk to the library?