By Username - 01/07/2010 04:55 - France

Today, I found out that while getting your hair cut, you should say 'yes' or 'no', instead of nodding your head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 198
You deserved it 442

Top comments

I have honestly gone my whole life thinking this was a given.


artinwords 14

As a hair stylist I feel the need to honestly ask you what the hell were you thinking nodding your head? There is a reason we tell little kids to pretend they're a statute when we cut their hair.

artinwords 14

You cant go "bald" with Whal clippers. There is still hair there even at a 0 which would be with no guard at all.

Well im guessing thats a memorable experience

speaking as a fellow hair stylest, never nod, lol

The image made me laugh. The barber gave that "What the fudge" look and the guy is like "AHHHHH!" It's super funny! I agree. Never nod!

ZKtheDuck 7

At least now you can say you were part of a Jackass skit. Like a boss. Unless your head was actually chopped off...