By ChocoMilkManG - 03/07/2009 01:37 - United States

Today, I found some Nesquick Chocolate Milk mix in my pantry which sounded good. While making a glass, I got angry because not all of the mix would disolve. Frustrated, I downed the drink. When I finished I looked in the glass and realized the mix that wouldn't disolve was actually tiny ants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 278
You deserved it 17 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hate when that happens. At least ants are high in protein!

And now they're gonna be swimmin' inside you for a loooong time. :)


jewelzgalore 0

Ants taste really bad and bitter. I remember eating one when I was 8. Never again, sir, never again. But you know a bunch of people eat ants dipped in chocolate or encased in lollipops?

Mc09toofine 0

EWWW!! ..... well at least now you've gotten some extra protein in your diet! YAYYYY

ShenziSixaxis 0

That's why with every kind of powder, you freeze it for a few days when you get it. And again if you don't use it all within a month or so. FYL though. It's creepy, but did you know that insects are a good source of protein?

anneboleyn 0

Uuuhm, I have Nesquick in my pantry that I have not used for a long time... ...I think I'm gonna throw that out.

I know you want to pretend you don't eat bugs every day, but they are in a lot of the food we eat. You're just adding a minuscule amount of extra protein to your diet. Also, in some places, ants are a delicacy. I think it's insanely stupid to get worked up over seeing ants in your food. I honestly don't give a shit because I don't have the money to throw food out. P.S. Did you know natural red food colouring is made from ground up beetles?

whatthefuckcunt 0

yes. cuz you're an idiot. shutup, we all knew that. read cracked you brainless twat-needle.

xxspeakxx 0

I hate when that happens...bugs are my worst physical fear. By the way, here's a tip everyone, and I figured this out the hard way -- Sometimes, you might find bugs in your cereal. I knew that they were coming from my cupboard, and they appeared in the cereal almost minutes after I stuck it in the cupboard, because one time I did and then I checked and they were in there. THEN, we talked to people @ the grocery store, who said that they were 'wheat bugs' who grow in the wheat and come in the cereal sometimes. Gross, huh? out, even if you don't have bugs in your house.

hersheysbar 0

Why would non-mixing chocolate powder make you want to down the drink?

Ants are good for you, be happy you got something decent mixed in with all that sugar.

Yeah, you sure showed that milk....