By Anonymous - 03/05/2013 16:38 - United States - Hyattsville

Today, I gave a big presentation to my class. It included PowerPoint slides and video clips of the country I'd been researching. Another student did a presentation on the same country, except he just read from its Wikipedia page. He practically got a standing ovation. I got a single clap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 254
You deserved it 3 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I'm sure you'll get the higher grade though, the amount of effort put in is important. and in the end it's their opinion that counts not the class.

Well, I've found that Wikipedia is very well written and informative these days.

perdix 29

He has good ol' fashioned presentation skills, you just rely on technology to cover up your boring self.

perdix 29

#20, back in my day, Wikipedia was a series of 20-30 huge books called Encyclopaedia Brittanica. We'd end up carrying several volumes to school, 5 miles, through the snow, uphill both ways -- and we loved it! Kids, today!!

flockz 19

and not to mention when we finally got to school we would get walloped with the paddle! you wouldn't be able to sit for a week!

perdix 29

#24, yeah, but you could get whacked out inhaling the mimeograph fluid off the handouts you were given.

flockz 19

mimeograph fluid? never heard of it. i do all my homework on stone tablets.

Lizardgirl 7

Back in my day I had to walk to school in the rain and snow up hills both ways all while on fire...

I person think he most likely had good old popularity. Doesn't matter what you do people just like to get on your good side.

flockz 19

the only way i was even able to make this post was through smoke signals.

Zimmington 21

Maybe you were just a boring speaker?

You know what they say work smarter not harder.

Assuming the teacher is even remotely competent, the classmate's stunt won't appear smarter when he gets his low grade.

I guess actually looking into something is too hard for some people.

Kids are d-bags, sometimes it comes right down to popularity as shallow as that is

I agree; it was probably just a popularity contest for them (speaking from OP's perspective).

I'm thinking your classmates just like him more.

First of all, your class is terribly rude. Never once have I been in a class presentation where the students listening didn't clap for the one who spoke. Secondly, if your teacher has any ounce of intelligence they will know that your classmate took the information from Wikipedia, and (s)he should discipline that student accordingly. Plagiarism is wrong and it teaches a person that there is no need to try when someone else can do it.

perdix 29

I doubt the OP was the primary source for the info he presented. Plagiarism is where you claim other people's work as your own. If you start, "According to Wikipedia, ..." you are OK.

#50: Even referenced properly, Wikipedia is almost never an accepted source of information. Trust me, if you have to quote information from that site, you had better use its cited articles.

Maybe Wikipedia is a better speech-writer than you?