By boredtothemax - 17/02/2016 19:17 - United States - Hammond

Today, I gave a talk in my management class about creating effective presentations and holding people's attention. Go figure, pretty much nobody paid any attention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 187
You deserved it 3 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense, but I've found that when the presenter can't hold the audiences attention, it's usually their own fault. Good luck next time and take this as an oppurtunity to improve your own skills.

Seams like you need a few more of these meetings.


MikaykayUnicorn 36

I mean, how many times do we have to tell you people? There is a button SPECIFICALLY for telling the OP that yes, you agree, this sucks. Please use it and allow the first comment to be used for someone with something witty or important to say. Thank you.

Who do you care whether it's the first comment or the fiftieth? Why should it hold any more significance than the hundreds of other comments? Lower thine expectations sir

Seams like you need a few more of these meetings.

nonsensical 26

Is there a pun I'm not aware of or did you just use the wrong "seems"?

OP's audience's attention fell apart at the seams? That's all I got.

No offense, but I've found that when the presenter can't hold the audiences attention, it's usually their own fault. Good luck next time and take this as an oppurtunity to improve your own skills.

CODplayer4lyfe 24

Depends if OP is in highschool or not. Even in my honors/AP classes people don't really pay attention to that kind of stuff

To add on with number 3, it's proven people's attention spans are relativity short. Try to throw in something important or interesting facts to keep people interested in you. Also assuming your presentation was on a PowerPoint add music that's well known ( we will rock you for example) this will keep people focused on the PowerPoint and you

katachristic 19

Rule #1: Have content that people care about. If your audience doesn't care about the content, they won't pay attention and there's no point in presenting it.

Maybe you should try taking that class OP!!

The inner machinations of their minds are an enigma!

Ouch! Watch where you're waving that irony around, you could put an eye out.

Maybe you need a refresher in how to create an effective presentation that holds people's attention.

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach!