By hrs220 - 21/05/2016 21:55 - United States - Lake Zurich

Today, I gave a presentation for my final on class. While I was giving the speech my shirt strap broke. I ended up flashing everyone including the teacher. At least I got an A. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 892
You deserved it 1 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You got an A and I'm sure the guys and in the class weren't complaining so I'd say it's a win ¯_(ツ)_/¯

You deserved it in a good way! You made a good speech that can't be spoiled by a silly accident!


I mean you probably only got an A because of that so... yeah I'd be happy if I were you.

The teacher decided to give you the letter grade for the cup size you are lol

I was searching the comments for this response. I was not disappointed.

Are you sure you didn't get an A for A-Cup? Because if you did then thats a real FML.

You received an A, what did the class receive? C's?