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By Anonymous - 29/08/2016 21:18 - United States - Havertown

Today, I got a DNA test done on my son. The good news? We share DNA, so he's mine. The bad news? My wife shares the same DNA. Guess what siblings were adopted out to different families without being told...FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 883
You deserved it 79

Top comments

Unlucky1232 20

holy shit.... Um....i don't even have anything witty to say about this. other than you really shouldn't have anymore kids... seriously it's a miracle if your son doesn't have any development problems.

Ouch. I hope your son is okay, DNA wise, even if the risk is minor. It... Also might be a good idea to consider therapy for yourself and your son, for when you tell him, in case it causes him issues. As for yourself... Uhm. Therapy and a lot of hobbying? I don't even know what to say, since the chances of this are relatively small.


XCoraline_CrossX 17

so are you saying you married your biological son?

XCoraline_CrossX 17

I meant to write sister not son.

Unlucky1232 20

holy shit.... Um....i don't even have anything witty to say about this. other than you really shouldn't have anymore kids... seriously it's a miracle if your son doesn't have any development problems.

The kind of disabilities that are typically associated with related offspring is found when generations of inbreeding occur. The risk here would be negligible. That being said, I wouldn't want to be in that position.

Unlucky1232 20

even then, if their kid ever researches their biological family tree.... words can't describe how awkward that'd be

I suppose that will make for an easy annulment...

Wow that is legitimately unfortunate. So sorry about your luck.

Ouch. I hope your son is okay, DNA wise, even if the risk is minor. It... Also might be a good idea to consider therapy for yourself and your son, for when you tell him, in case it causes him issues. As for yourself... Uhm. Therapy and a lot of hobbying? I don't even know what to say, since the chances of this are relatively small.

This is awful, I'm so sorry OP. This is why I think parents, or whatever informed agency, NEED to tell kids if they're adopted and make them aware of their background, especially if there's separated siblings living in close proximity to each other. The chances of this happening might be small, but it still happens, and it can really hurt a lot of people when it does.

How would even go about explaining this to the kid?

By informing the child that his parents were adopted as children, but were born to the same parents. There isn't really a gentle way to put it, so being upfront and honest about it is the second best option, instead of misleading him and turning it into something he'll feel ashamed about. Yes, he was born from incest, that's not anymore his fault than it is OP's or his wife's.