By mylifereallysuks - 08/11/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, I got an email from my cute teacher about reminding us to bring stuff for the next lesson. As a joke I clicked on reply and wrote about how I think he is so cute and handsome. Right then and there I clicked to go look at other messages. A little box came up..."MESSAGE SENT". FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 837
You deserved it 62 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0

Dear Mr Handsome, You are liek so freakin' cute and handsome. I want to hold you for ever and ever. You're so much better than my other ugly teachers. Maybe someday we'll get married. Oh and, thanx for sending me that message about the lesson, I will totally bring stuff! =) Good thing I'm not sending this, or else I'd have to learn how to pass your class with a restraining order against me. lolz

Perhaps it was joking =) If it wasn't though, just tell him your account was hacked. Hopefully that should keep you outta trouble =P


OP, that's when you send an e-mail a few hours later apologizing for accidentally letting your younger sibling use your computer. ;)

xkayla_gorex 0

how the hell is that a joke? I fail to see that.

According to FMyLife, people do this shit all the time. Here's a hint, don't type an e-mail out if you don't want to send it.

BlowYaMind 0

Hah. Wow, loser. Why would you even do that? =P hmm.....creeper.... "I love you." "Obviously... you don't know me." "I love you so much." "Thank you, and I will take that as a feeling that you have of... comfortability with me." "It's more than comfortability. I mean, I ******' love you." "Okay, I... think..." "I'm just thinking about our life together. I feel like I'm walking on a cloud. My penis is tingling right now." "That is so... off-putting." "You're not feeling this?" "In no way, shape, or form do I feel any feelings of intimacy towards you in any way whatsoever." (Step Brothers).

i dont think it a horrible thing to let you teacher konw he is cute and handsome ..

reborn296 0

maybe you can just turn it into a teacher/student relationship and start blowing him?

check out MLIA ;) you have a response to your email.


lol lmao WTF seriously ydi come on u juz made yourself look like a creeper who stalks her teacher. well on the brightside maybe he'll be interested and want to hook up