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By heartbroken - 22/01/2010 01:18 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me, all because whenever I laugh I say "lol." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 248
You deserved it 114 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a completely rational reason to break up with someone. I would probably have stabbed you in the neck by then.

kachaa 0

Well of course! Girls only go for the guys that say "roflmao"... sheesh get with the program...


That is a completely rational reason to break up with someone. I would probably have stabbed you in the neck by then.

dudeitsdanny 9

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spiderman0606 0

I know people who respond with "lol" or "lawl" when you're talkng to them. Aggravating as hell. And it takes every part of me to stop myself from punching them in the face. It's ok, though. Otherwise, I don't think they'd do my homework for me. You know, without taking effort in being forceful.

Says the kid with the word "spiderman" in his user name.

peacockfeather 0

@82 good one.:) *internet high-five*

As long as he's not calling himself that IRL it doesn't really matter. Or should I have more respect for you "humorizer"

I concur with the statement #2 made. I would have dropped that guy as fast as I could. That's beyond aggravating!

Nah no reason to get all violent just touch him in the part of the neck where you make him throw up. He won't be l-o-ling that loud anymore when he's throwing up his guts

slaveowner190461 0

People who say "lol" deserve every ******* slap i give them.

Hahahahaha. I'm guessing op said lol because laughing is tiresome so he maybe fat. 8)

blahhhhhrflolblahhhhhrf! no probaly not lol

YDI, I hate people who do that. hahaha lol

It's not clear if he's talking about in-person or online, but either way... saying "LOL" is about the most un-masculine thing you can do. Do you have a man purse and paint your nails too?

@70 hahahaha I would break up with you too. Even if you did say it online, I still think it's sad

Oh my God. that's the most aggravating thing ever. If it's IRL, I don't blame her, and even online it's stupid

valdancer99 0
KyraJFoxx 14

Well you obviously deserved that one OP.. I wonder if you were "lol-ing" when she broke up with you

kachaa 0

Well of course! Girls only go for the guys that say "roflmao"... sheesh get with the program...

caticaticati 3

I only go for guys who say roflmao as an actual word. Rofflemow.

infernofalcon 0

omfgwrfbbq - come on baby.. Let's go tour lolcanos in our private roflcopter, Oh, what's that you say? You want to go troll /b/with me later? Mm what a romantic notion... And I . . FIRED MY LASER!! - in my pants! *cough pedobear approves *cough*

At first when I heard about this, I thought no-one could be that obnoxious. Then, one of the people I know started doing it. Stop it, or you will never be respected for anything you do, ever. Dumbass.

You really should stop that, unless you're 10. Then you can keep saying l-o-l for another couple of months, but then you really should stop that.

DoorMatCat 3

I think when OP laughs, he actually says 'lol' as it is spelled, rather than saying the letters l-o-l, which is a little less annoying, but I can still understand why he was dumped.

seriously, youre a loser, what the hell did you expect would happen?

I knew a guy who did that at university, it was so annoying that I'm surprised she put up with you long enough to ever be your girlfriend!

Aeolian 0

Jesus. This should be FHerLife.

rebecca__amy 1