By grossedout - 08/11/2009 21:11 - Canada

Today, I got home from a small vacation. Before I left, I set up cameras in my room to see if my roommate was stealing my money. Turns out she wasn't. However, she does borrow my personal "adult toy" whenever I'm out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 961
You deserved it 3 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should hide it when you leave or buy your roommate one. Since you now know she likes using it too, you should buy a double headed one and enjoy =)

I vote that you should rub hot sauce all over it and let it dry so it's visually undetectable; then put it back where it was and go away for the weekend. With any luck at all, your roommate will be posting her story on here soon enough!


brieanna101 0
brafry12997 0
safirestar09 0

This is the first, er, first comment that doesn't say "FIRST!!!!1one1!!!1!!seven" And, OP, keep in mind- it's good to share! =D

breenarae25 0

I read this is Cleveland's voice from family guy

Maybe you should hide it when you leave or buy your roommate one. Since you now know she likes using it too, you should buy a double headed one and enjoy =)

Bid your "toy" adieu, And find something new. Though sharing is caring, Now it sucks to be you.

morgan020 0

your personal one as opposed to the one you share? FHL for not knowing the difference. maybe you should buy a label maker with the money she's not stealing so next time she'll know which one she can use.

-barf- Maybe instead of cameras, you should hide your toys? Or get rid of your room mate?