By could be an fml commenter - 13/04/2013 17:26 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I got the chance to speak to some of the top academics in my field. I was so hungover that I couldn't remember the title of the Masters degree I've spent two years studying for, let alone make intelligent comments. I'm pretty sure the only thing I got right was my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 689
You deserved it 108 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow you really deserve it this time, my friend. Next time, lay off the alcohol the night before a meeting like this. You really messed it up and I have no sympathy for you.

You only get one chance to make a first impression, and you blew it. I'm sure you made quite the impression. If you're going to act like an idiot in front of people, at least do it drunk, not hungover.


Wow! a drink that knocks off two years of memory? I need some of this...

perdix 29

Change your major to Oenology, and then your alcoholism can be considered "research."

kriz_allizwell 6
shaquilla 7
onorexveritas 23

Once I read about how you were "so hungover," you got an immediate YDI. Do you not think before you do? Was that never taught to you or something?

Epikouros 31

Idiot. You're even too stupid to be an FML commenter. When I'd just finished my MA, I passed up a chance to tour Amsterdam's red-light district in order to present a poster at a scholarly conference. Let me guess: you couldn't say no when your friends wanted to go drinking, could you?

buckley91 9

The difference would be you have a masters he has the equivalence to an associates degree.

If you knew that that event was happening before you went drinking, you definitively deserve it for going out to drink so much when you know you have a big day ahead of you. And if you didn't know, you still deserve it because drinking so much that you get a crazy hangover the day after never serves any use whatsoever.

Why would you go and get drunk right the day before that ? Smh...