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By saxophone911 - 13/04/2013 15:52 - United States

Today, at school, I saw the guy I like at his locker. I decided to run up from behind and surprise him. I ended up accidentally slamming his locker on his fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 287
You deserved it 44 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well now you have time to get to know him while you escort him to the school nurse :)

Shortay123 14

I'm sure if you know him well enough it wasn't too big of a deal. Just laugh it off and make it up to him. (: Text him and say "Sorry about the other day, I hope your fingers aren't damaged too bad. Perhaps I could make it up to you by taking you out to lunch?" There is always a way to turn a seemingly unredeemable disaster into an opportunity. (:


Well now you have time to get to know him while you escort him to the school nurse :)

Lindahhxd 7

Maybe this will insinuate a great story. You have something to laugh about later on if he took it lightly!

Im pretty sure you meant fire, that's clearly fire on your head sir

I'm gonna say #33 probably meant instigate- to bring about or initiate, although it also sounds kindof strange in this context

ApollosMyth 22

Let's make it easy and say that the word was "make".

cloudygirl5 16

Today is Saturday, how would you even have school today?

70 - Just a few things: 1: Thread-jacking = not cool 2: It takes a while for these things to get through moderation; it could have been submitted yesterday 3: Every FML is required to start with "Today" regardless of when it actually happened. This could have happened two years ago for all we know. 4: Some rare school systems/private schools/specialty schools actually do have Saturday classes

hopefully he'll understand it was an honest mistake. maybe control your enthusiasm next time.

"And that kids, is how i met your mother" lol

Oh he's gonna fall for you easily now!

Hopefully this will be something you can both look back at and laugh at later. It's not like you meant for it to happen. FYL and F his life.

youre right! before we dated, my now boyfriend tossed a pepsi bottle at me nonchalantly and it ended up smacking my face and swelling my lip. After three years of dating, and we still laugh about the incident. dont worry OP, it can happen!

Looks like you've lost all the chances of being with him.

I can't tell if it was originally "all one chances" and was edited or if sir pie corrected it incorrectly however the best way to say it would have been "lost all chance"

'Sir pie' was pointing out that this was one incident; one encounter; one chance. There is nothing in the original post saying or implying that there were prior chances- so saying 'lost all chances' is not exactly correct. I've also noticed that every time 'sir pie' comments, you seem to comment right after. Stalker out admirer, let's let the FMLers decide.

I refer to him as sir pie because of a previous thread in which I accidentally called him sir by typo, also I happen to appreciate his brand of humor so forgive me

Forreal he talks to himself so much that having a fan would seem almost too convenient...

ApollosMyth 22

I wouldn't like being taken by surprise like that. :P

Shortay123 14

I'm sure if you know him well enough it wasn't too big of a deal. Just laugh it off and make it up to him. (: Text him and say "Sorry about the other day, I hope your fingers aren't damaged too bad. Perhaps I could make it up to you by taking you out to lunch?" There is always a way to turn a seemingly unredeemable disaster into an opportunity. (:

olpally 32

Why can't you just walk up to him normally? Lol. Way to go. Just help him to the nurses office now.

Maybe OP wanted to push the guy into his own locker, but Op changed her mind last second, lol

CammyGal 26

Why would you slam his locker shut anyway? I hate when people do that.

Yea.. I doubt OP meant to do it.. Not like op went "O I wanna show him i like him, let me slam the locker on his fingers.."

Did you at least offer to kiss his boo-boo?