By apaterra - 07/11/2015 14:14 - United States - Washington

Today, I had to come up with a new rule for my library's patrons: If you, your child, or your dog has thrown up on our books, we DON'T WANT THEM BACK. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 421
You deserved it 1 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

singlwforlife 22

You would think that something like that would be self explanatory... People no longer speak up when things go wrong or not as expected. They just shove things aside and hope the next person to encounter the problem doesn't notice it... Like vomit in a book. No one will notice that.

lexiieeex3 32

Isn't the general rule that if a book is damaged in any way you replace it?


Ewww that's so unhygienic.. People can be so inconsiderate sometimes. Using the library is a privilege and the books should be treated with some care.

My favorite about used books was always the smell ;)

A07 48

It's a shame people don't appreciate books

I don't think it's so much about appreciating books. It's not like they (or their dog or child) vomited on them on purpose. It's more about not being willing to admit that they did something very wrong and would rather have other people deal with the disgusting consequences.

lexiieeex3 32

Isn't the general rule that if a book is damaged in any way you replace it?

Naw it's fine, vomit will come right off. You just have to soak it in coffee and it'll be good as new.

What patrons are fined for varies in different systems. The branch I work for doesn't charge for paperbacks if they come from the youth department. They're not even catalogued in our system. The barcode just reads "Juvenile/Young Adult Fiction Paperback" and if you decide not to return it, there's nothing we can do. That being said, if a hardback is damaged (whether it comes from the adult or youth department) the patron has to pay a fine or replace the book if necessary. If you're going to check out a book, check for damages before you check out. If the circulation staff misses something when it's checked out but notices spine damage when it's returned, you may have to pay a fine. Even if you weren't the one that caused the damage. Sorry for the novel. :P!

TomeDr 24

I work for a library system as a book mender (check out my screen name) and I can tell some stories about how books are returned! Cat and dog barf is awful but cat PEE is the absolute worst!! People put their "whammied" items in the drop box because they're too embarrassed to take it to the desk and admit it's been damaged. Then the smell gets on everything else.

you forgot to add on they have to also pay for them

CasiLG 17

I work in a library as well. I get that people are embarrassed but they still have to pay to replace the book. The book is checked out to them so we can easily see who to send the bill to.

And just think, this was a big enough problem that they had to make a rule about it.