By tj - 26/08/2010 04:11 - United States

Today, I had to confront my boyfriend after finding a girl's phone number next to my bed. He said I was over reacting. When I told him it was over, he asked for the number back so he could call her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 617
You deserved it 9 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you broke up with him over it? damn. I would have asked for it just to piss you off.

perdix 29

Why do you have to be so clingy and paranoid? Why do you assume he was going to cheat on you behind your back? He was probably just trying to organize a lovely, little threesome for all of you. Jeez, what ever happened to old-fashioned romance?!?!


He wasn't cheating necessarily he had a girl's number. You overreacted and dumped him, so of course now he needs to find a new girl. YDI

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

Well OP I hope you have a back up also... jk... but anyways that's messed up, hate cheaters...

LittleMissShani 0

Haha that sounds like he was just pissed at you for breaking up with him. You should trust him he's not guilty until you prove he's guilty. I think you should have called the number first and if it was another girl hes seeing tell her to meet you somewhere so you can slap a hoe(:

Why do you all assume he is cheating? I have other girls phone numbers in my phone and have never cheated on my girlfriend nor do i plan to. ydi for overreacting.

puppyloverpeace 1

my dad always does that. and he cant remember my birthday. its sad

puppyloverpeace 1
mintcar 9

Wow, you're incredibly insecure. You broke up with him because of that? Now you have no boyfriend and he's probably now banging the other chick.

rawrtastyc 0
