By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 04:16 - United States

Today, I had to go pick up my kid, because he threw up while playing at his friend's house. The boy's mother bitched me out for not keeping my son at home while he was "ill". Her breath was unspeakably foul. So foul that it caused me to throw up too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 698
You deserved it 4 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jghaugland 6

One time somebody threw up in my office and everyone just ******* exploded with vomit. I know the feeling.

You should have told her The Ugly Barnacle story. She might have made the connection then. Or ask her what she had to eat. She might say "some roast beef, a chicken, a pizza...".


Well, maybe that's why he your boy threw up!

That's probably why your son three up in the first place. His friends moms bad breath was enough to make anyone barf. People really need to have better hygiene.

Well now you know what caused your son to throw up

Reminds me of my middle school English teacher. Guy liked to get in your face when talking to you. Strong black coffee and cigarettes was his breakfast.

one day my whole dorm filled with vomit because some dorm mates can't bear the smell of vomit.. it's a chain reaction.. sorry op hope your kid is fine least you now know what caused you kid to throw up..

I'll never understand people with really bad breath. How do they not know?! If I can smell it half a metre away, how can you not smell it!

They might know and just can't do anything. Tonsil stones and other medical conditions can cause bad breath that doesn't go away and is overpowering.