By Kylie - 26/01/2010 16:13 - United States
Same thing different taste
Get me out of here
By fraz206 - 18/03/2019 16:00
Germ warfare
By kallens - 17/01/2009 20:57 - United States
By mew - 25/10/2011 18:04 - Canada
By Anonymous - 18/09/2015 21:14 - United States - Jonesboro
By Felinefine - 15/08/2016 19:33 - United Kingdom - South Petherton
By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 04:16 - United States
By Andy - 16/12/2009 20:43 - United States
By Ren - 27/01/2009 20:02 - United States
By elfy2 - 03/03/2011 02:49
By Vitani_Verci - 15/01/2016 06:57
Top comments
agreed, the OP deserved this big time
I wouldn't start slapping a kid on the back until I was sure they were actually choking. She could have been sitting next to him while he was eating lunch, heard him cough once and been unsure if it was just a cough or him choking, and put one hand in front of his mouth and the other on his back to be ready to pat him if he kept coughing. It's what I would do.
If he is coughing, it means there is some passage in his airway and he is trying to dislodge a foreign object. Catching it is the most you can do. If he was choking, he wouldn't have any passage through the airway, so THAT is when she should have dislodged it.
The fact you must consider is slapping a young child on the back if he is coughing/choking they tend to throw up. OP was right in mind to slap the child on the back attempt to catch what he or she was choking on to identify the problem and watch for it for futre reference. You did the right thing OP you should be proudly covered in toddlers puke. ps Read many if your comments twinkle it warms my heart to see some people look at both the FML and the YDI sides of the story unlike many people who just post a pointless comment. Peace out x
I really don't see how he deserved it. He was just putting his hand there so the kid could spit it out without getting it on the carpet. Except, it was vomit. >_>
I would have done the same thing ... u don't want to wait til the kid is dead to see if they are choking... in the babysitting course I took they teach you to react rite away, but wut I would have done different is not pat on the back, that can lodge food in farther, you have to do the himlik (srry for the spelling) maybe he was chokin and the barf was his body tryin to get it out of his throat... u never no
y do people do this? if u r gonna leave a comment have something to sat
slapping theyre back is probably the worst thing you could do, it pushes whatever theyre. chokingon farther down which chokes them even more
No it doesn't Michael. I was choked on a hard lolly when I was a kid and had somebody knock it out by slapping me on the back. If by chance it does knock it down further, then you'd have to do the heimlich maneuver but that should be a last resort, especially with kids.
Umm, In CPR classes I took, we were taught to never slap someone on the back. Also, you never give the heimlich unless there is no coughing. As someone said above, as long as they are coughing, air is getting through. The heimlich would not work in that situation. Basically, I don't think this is an FML or a YDI. It's daycare. Shit happens. It comes with the job.
Back slapping is still considered the standard method with choking children. I said if it did happen to knock it further down, presumably preventing air getting through, then you would do the heimlich. She didn't do anything because he was still coughing, but I was just assuming that she was ready to if the coughing turned to choking.
thank you for not being rude. the little boy was fine after the incident. he continued to play unfazed
Good-willed people will always be punished! What a cruel world we dwell! As flies to wanton boys are we to the dogs, They kill us for their sport FYL.
It seems that that could have come from latin. Am I right?
Google it ;)
Thank you #2 for not being a dumb ass and replying to #1 at least some people are not so needy for attention they will post a comment just so people can see it.
so having a kid spit up some mystery object in your hand is okay, but puke isn't...
YDI for putting your hand in front of his mouth next time use a napkin :D
Nice catch!
So when a kid may be choking, your first reaction is to stick your hand in their face instead of, you know, trying to save their life? It sucks that you were puked on, but it wouldn't have sucked more if the boy died. Plus, you work at a daycare, this is almost inevitable.
word.. i honestly don't know why you would put your hands there in the first place. sorry it happened :]
If the child is coughing then air is getting through and it's recommended that you encourage the child to continue coughing until the object dislodges, or until the child stop coughing and appears to actually be unable to take oxygen into their lungs, at which point you begin administering the Heimlich. I work at a daycare as well and had a toddler choke on a piece of food. I held my hand in front of her mouth to catch the food when she coughed it out so it wouldn't land on someone's plate. Instead of being an ass, why don't you learn a little about life-saving techniques.
Awww! You did a good deed regardless!!! So you have some Karma saved up now!!
Don't you see!? You're blinded by a perfected ideology.
When working in a daycare, you should *expect* stuff like this! I have worked in them for years and have some of the worst poo stories... be thankful it was only a puke incident!! This is not an FML...
^ This. I've worked in two daycares, and I've been puked on at least 3 times, peed on once, cleaned poop out from under a child's fingernails (shoved his hand in his diaper), and had my mouth sneezed in while talking. I know it sucks, but if you can't handle it, you're working the wrong job.
Aw geez. I don't get why they have to shove their tiny hands with the tiny nails into the nappies fulled with a whole lotta shit.

so having a kid spit up some mystery object in your hand is okay, but puke isn't...
So when a kid may be choking, your first reaction is to stick your hand in their face instead of, you know, trying to save their life? It sucks that you were puked on, but it wouldn't have sucked more if the boy died. Plus, you work at a daycare, this is almost inevitable.