By lilykat84 - 29/07/2011 06:09 - United States

Today, I have a huge scab on my thigh. What from? My thighs rubbing together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 235
You deserved it 33 151

lilykat84 tells us more.

lilykat84 4

This is my FML.. that I wrote a while back ago! Just now commenting on it, ha. Anyways, yeah my thighs do rub together at times.. >.> It bites but sometimes powder helps a little. I learned the hard way that rubbing lotion (it was bath and body works lotion) on freshly chaffed thighs burns like hell. Truthfully I'm not THAT over weight. I would like to lose about 30 pounds though, but that'll have to wait until after February. Thanks for the comments though, some were pretty funny! ^.^

Top comments

Thunder thighs! No but that sucks I guess.

We can't all have beautiful skinny legs. I don't have skinny legs, but I'm not fat. Life just isn't fair sometimes


Wanna tighten you thighs? do 5 min leg workouts everyday! but you must be determine if you don't want to prevent those scabs!

It's not good when body parts start rubbing together...

bfflrhea 0

My thighs rub together and i dont have scabs?

doglover339 4

it's alright happens to me sometimes just put a band aid on it and move on!!

foreverbabe5 0
Shneqwa 0

Wow. You ard in desperate need of some baby powder or chaffing cream.

jhashj 0

I get the chub rub too! Try baby powder, deodorant (it reduces friction & sweat) or some lube. They always help mine out. Good luck my fellow thick-ness!