By Anonymous - 26/12/2017 06:00

Today, I learned that my husband is attracted to obese, unhealthy women after celebrating my weight loss of 175lbs and improving my overall health. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 255
You deserved it 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Leviathene 34

You are magnificent for undertaking this big step in your life. You don't need his negativity impacting your health. You need to have a serious talk with him about where you two stand in your relationship, because your health comes first.

So I'm guessing he was still contemplating if he wanted to be with you at the 174 mark, but once you were down 175, he could really see the changes. The best thing you can do is leave him. I am not one of those that call everything abusive, but watching My 300-Pound Life showed me that the people closest to you are your biggest downfall once you start the journey. Husbands will leave their wives because, "she's not fat anymore. She's getting too skinny even though she's still 200 lbs overweight." It's their own insecurities, mostly. Having lost 80 pounds, I can tell you that if I was in a relationship where my husband doesn't FULLY support my getting healthy, I would be out. My life is worth more than you wanting to get off to an obese woman. And yes, he has a preference for bigger women (because I know some will defend him), but she didn't lose the weight overnight. He has every right to like whatever, but it seems like OP is surprised at the turn of events.