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By Anonymous - 04/05/2014 18:57 - United States

Today, I met up with my group for class. We were doing some final checks on the project we've been working on all semester, when I realized something about one guy's work seemed off. I googled it and found out it's almost completely plagiarized. It's all due in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 219
You deserved it 4 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the horrible thing about group work, call the guy out and demand he do his work! Next time you can request not to have the same group with him... FYL!

Pancakes017 19

Probably should've made sure he was doing a decent job just a tiny bit sooner, OP.


Sign the name of the plagarized work to it. Technically it won't be lying..... nah, ur boned.

If it's not too late, you should add a statement after the cover sheet, clarifying what's happened, and go and speak to your professor so they're aware of the situation. Shame you caught it so late, but if you approach it in the right way then your grade might not be affected, only the offending person. Good luck.

That's the horrible thing about group work, call the guy out and demand he do his work! Next time you can request not to have the same group with him... FYL!

Well said. So far this FML has one of the largest FYL to YDI ratios I have seen lately. That shows how bad the guy F'd OP's and the rest of the group's life :/

Pancakes017 19

Probably should've made sure he was doing a decent job just a tiny bit sooner, OP.

sterling1113 15

As much I agree I feel like OP shouldn't have to be responsible for making sure everyone isn't cheating. I mean it's not 3rd grade, by that point they should know that cheating = failure. At least OP found out now and has a chance to bring it to the teachers attention of he refuses to actually do his work. Hopefully everybody won't fail on his behalf.

Pancakes017 19

That's a really good point, and I agree that the guy should have known better, but in a group project everyone is responsible for making sure things are on track, especially if it's a group grade.

I agree to a point because when I'm doing a group project I'm always checking in on everyone but honestly, how was OP supposed to know her classmate was plagiarizing? If he/she had never felt something was off about the classmate's work, would she still get in trouble if the teacher realized it was plagiarized? I don't think it's your responsibility to make sure no one is cheating. It is however your responsibility to make sure everyone is on track with their work and holding it to a high enough standard.

I feel bad for you op :/ good luck with what ever happens and hope the professor understands

That's why I don't like working in groups . FYL yho

Two ways out of it, either explain the situation and hope for the best or get rid of his part entirely. Sucks either way really, fyl

I've always hated that about group projects. Someone always slacks off or someone always gets stuck with more work.

euphoricness 28

Lol that would totally be me!

1) It's not funny. 2) You're an ass

euphoricness 28
euphoricness 28
euphoricness 28

Everyone ignore him, he's barely old enough to watch movies with swearing in it.

I think it's more than okay to snitch in this case. Let them go down by themselves and hope the teacher doesn't make the rest of you suffer.

One guy does 95% of the work, another takes credit for all the work, another agrees with everything said and done, and last person misses the whole project and turns up at the end.