All together now

By aloneagainnaturally - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Denmark - Søborg

Today, we were all put in groups to make a presentation together. And by "together" I mean I pulled an all nighter to finish it by myself. My group criticized my work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 882
You deserved it 2 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you put your name on it and tell the teacher that they did shit all

I hate people who don't do any work in the group. And for them to criticize you after you spent all night finishing for them is just so ******* low.


Have you really never worked on a group project before? It's pretty common that one person ends up doing all the work.

If you try to do something along with the others, and they don't collaborate, you need to do it in your own so you get the grade. Or you do it, and tell the teacher/educator that you did it alone on a attempt to get them f'd.

I hate people who don't do any work in the group. And for them to criticize you after you spent all night finishing for them is just so ******* low.

yes!! this always happens to me. if you didn't like my work, you should have helped

That's when you put your name on it and tell the teacher that they did shit all

Did that once. Teacher said I should have talked to them.

The idea of putting students in groups is so they learn a bit about team-work as well as the subject they're studying, but that's still a responsibility that lies with all members of the group. It shouldn't be all down to OP to pull them all together, I think she should fight her corner!

ApacheC424 18

I once had to talk to my teacher, and he graded our work separately and not as a group. I got near perfect and my partner I think got a C-. Another time I did all the work but just chose not to step in and save my partner when he obviously couldn't present work he didn't do. Just look after yourself, it will be obvious who actually did anything!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

This semester in my biology lab, we had a group project. In my group only 3 people did anything. Me, a guy, and an older lady. The lady and I did most of the work but the guy did the PowerPoint. The 4th member of the group didn't do ANYTHING, which we told the professor about. She still ended up getting a C, based on the effort WE put into the project. Wasn't fair, but at least the other lady and I got A's.

hopefully you told your teacher that it was all you, and the others don't get a good grade. I can't stand people like that.

Don't put up with that shit. Tell your teacher the others did absolutely nothing. If something like this happens again, notify your teacher before the date the assignment is due.

tantanpanda 26

I did this and got my partner dropped from the class. Man, it made me so happy.

A07 48

I want the people in my group assignments to be the pall bearers at my funeral, so they can let me down one last time.

ha, knowing them they'd procrastinate and let you down a day later.

That's hilarious. It can wait until tomorrow.

I know you don't wanna be "that guy" but just tell the teacher you did all the work and they will most likely give you all the credit.

leogachi 15

@8 There's nothing wrong with standing up for yourself. I had to tell a teacher in seventh grade that my group wasn't helping with a peoject and I would do it again if it happened in the future.

should have done your own section and left it as that op

Right, so the whole presentation is only partly complete and the whole group fails, brilliant idea....

Group work sucks. Hope it's the kind of assignment where you get marked on for what portion of the work you did.. :-)