By nohobo - 09/03/2015 21:22 - Romania - Bucharest
nohobo tells us more.
OP here. Only the reflective glass parts get stolen and it takes 10 seconds and a screwdriver. Dealership ones are sold on the black market for half price, though I got the cheap chinese plastic ones and those go missing too. Out of spite I think, since they have my plate number on them and are worth nothing. The police won't do anything, it's a common theft; they told me to get better insurance -_- . Car alarm wouldn't work either, the thief would be gone by the time I arrive. They got stolen 3 times, all nights after I didn't give the guy anything. And the guy is pretty much harassing me now. Like coming to my car to offer to carry my bags or opening my door (creepy, right?). I tried to firmly but politely tell him to leave me alone but nada. Gonna report him for harassment and if he comes near me again he'll get a face full of pepper spray, since that's probably the only way he'll understand. Sorry for the wall of text, and thanks for your supportive/funny comments, they've made my day :D
Top comments
Live and learn, or you don't live long.
Do it again and record it this time
I know everyone's first response is to report him, which is what i would have done. But unless you have proof there isn't much you can do.
Hmmm, I wonder what he's doing with this collection of side mirrors?!
Where there is demand there is a market for service. He just decided to be a thieving scheming business person rather than an honest one. Next time give him Monopoly money and see if he notices.
OP here. Only the reflective glass parts get stolen and it takes 10 seconds and a screwdriver. Dealership ones are sold on the black market for half price, though I got the cheap chinese plastic ones and those go missing too. Out of spite I think, since they have my plate number on them and are worth nothing. The police won't do anything, it's a common theft; they told me to get better insurance -_- . Car alarm wouldn't work either, the thief would be gone by the time I arrive. They got stolen 3 times, all nights after I didn't give the guy anything. And the guy is pretty much harassing me now. Like coming to my car to offer to carry my bags or opening my door (creepy, right?). I tried to firmly but politely tell him to leave me alone but nada. Gonna report him for harassment and if he comes near me again he'll get a face full of pepper spray, since that's probably the only way he'll understand. Sorry for the wall of text, and thanks for your supportive/funny comments, they've made my day :D
I would definitely report him. Call the police next time he tries to open your door and be like someone's trying to break into my car while I'm sitting in it or something. He is basically harassing you. He could rob you or attack you one day and with you already reporting the stolen mirrors he knows where you live too.
restraining order!!!
Agree with you on the pepper spray. I'd google the find the itchiest plant in your local area or see what you can get online (plant stuff, not artificial) and dust that all over your mirror. Or get the hottest chili you can find and rub that all over the part he usually steals. For the next time he steals them. Also one of those super loud and high pitched personal alarms blasted right in his ears might help send the message to "stay away". I hope the authorities can help you with this one.
Sounds like a stalker to me. I would defiantly report him to the local authorities and use pepper sprat if he bugs you since he apparently doesn't know what "NO!" Means.
I will file a report first because I don't want him telling the police I attacked him for no reason. Kicking his ass would send a strong message too but I really don't want to start a fight... I'll settle for pepper spray and if he gets physical I'll have the element of surprise and enough evidence to put him away.
ooo man, I feel for you OP. My husband and I had this issue with old neighbors when we lived in a crummy neighborhood. One guy was constantly harassing us to let him mow our lawn (because we paid him to do it) and another family was always trying to sell us stuff (that I suspect was stolen). Wish I could tell you how to make it stop. We eventually moved and now are only friendly from afar to neighbors. I hope you get him to leave you alone. Desperate people can be dangerous.
Hey OP, try a OP (order of protection) they work
OP already said they have their plate number on them. It won't help on the black market. And if the guy is doing it for spite, he's possibly just tossing them anyways.
I think putting a camera somewhere around your car, and putting in a car alarm would help with the issue.
Report him. What a prick.
So you have given him some money before and he still stole your side mirrors? Dude deserves to be homeless.