Not worth our time

By Anonymous - 10/01/2023 16:00

Today, my grandparents told me they couldn't make it to my college graduation, even with months in advance to plan, because they had their annual Mother's Day plans with friends. Plans they've had every year, and are further away. This was the only time I'll ever have a graduation ceremony. My grandpa is my last biological grandparent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 953
You deserved it 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nix188 13

man, they're old. its important to you but they've probably seen a dozen of em. they dgaf cause its all the same thing. they don't wanna be sitting in bleachers for 4hrs. YLS, but it could be worse

I get that it’s a big disappointment to you that your grandparents won’t be at your college graduation. This is an important milestone for you… But most people go to college some distance from where they live and I assume some distance from where your grandparents live. The older you get, the bigger deal it becomes to travel far and while Grandparents may not have mentioned that, it’s probably a factor too… Graduation should mark an important milestone in your journey to independence and that’s the most important thing… Personally, my parents came to my own college graduation but not my grandparents - My college was a bit over an hour’s drive away. I did not expect them to make the drive. But I saw my grandparents later and they congratulated me. And for the rest of their lives I saw them on the major holidays and family get togethers… This is graduation, not a funeral. You will see everyone again. Know that they are thinking of you and graduate with pride in your accomplishments. And then on to your work career!


Nix188 13

man, they're old. its important to you but they've probably seen a dozen of em. they dgaf cause its all the same thing. they don't wanna be sitting in bleachers for 4hrs. YLS, but it could be worse

I get that it’s a big disappointment to you that your grandparents won’t be at your college graduation. This is an important milestone for you… But most people go to college some distance from where they live and I assume some distance from where your grandparents live. The older you get, the bigger deal it becomes to travel far and while Grandparents may not have mentioned that, it’s probably a factor too… Graduation should mark an important milestone in your journey to independence and that’s the most important thing… Personally, my parents came to my own college graduation but not my grandparents - My college was a bit over an hour’s drive away. I did not expect them to make the drive. But I saw my grandparents later and they congratulated me. And for the rest of their lives I saw them on the major holidays and family get togethers… This is graduation, not a funeral. You will see everyone again. Know that they are thinking of you and graduate with pride in your accomplishments. And then on to your work career!