By Dramori - 27/11/2014 16:30

Today, I realised I was far too attached to my duvet. Literally. I just got a large tattoo on my back, and my duvet somehow stuck to my skin during the night and formed part of the scab. I now have the joy of deciding whether to tear it off fast or peel it away slowly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 470
You deserved it 6 603

Dramori tells us more.

OP here! Thanks for the funny comments! This actually happened a couple of years ago - it was my first tatt and was only told to rub it regularly with savlon until it healed, and to sleep on my stomach. I ended up jumping in the shower and soaked the duvet to peel off slowly. As seen from my profile pic it wasn't damaged in the end and turned out pretty damn sweet!

Top comments

It is part of you now, best to move on and accept your new body.

I wouldn't do either. Get a spray bottle of water and wet it, hopefully that will detach it but don't rip it off, picking/pulling off the scabs can pull out the ink, and damage the tattoo.


I wouldn't do either. Get a spray bottle of water and wet it, hopefully that will detach it but don't rip it off, picking/pulling off the scabs can pull out the ink, and damage the tattoo.

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Why would a fake tattoo scab though? Pretty sure they're talking about a real tattoo.

#3 man you should see a doctor if you've had a fake tattoo scab

3, I'm guessing you don't have any tattoos. OP, this happened to me before. My sheets got stuck to my thigh piece. I took the damn thing with me to the shower and soaked it, then I applied A+D ointment to the other side of the fabric and waited for it to seep through. It slowly peeled off once the dried plasma softens up and my piece healed beautifully. Do not rip it off, you'll pull the ink and your skin off, and risk scarring too :(

josiemorehouse 12

#1 is 100% correct!! OP should do NEITHER! Get the sheet wet, let it soak through, and once it's loose enough, OP should be able to slowly peel away the duvet. If it's on OP's back, it may be a good time to enlist some help from a friend, family member or SO. Good luck OP. I used Bacitracin and Tattoo Goo on mine during the healing process. My ink still looks great 7 years later, and no issues with sticking cloth.

Peel it away slowly. Also a good tip for fresh tattoo's: put vaseline on it (thin layer mind you) and wear a t-shirt to sleep. In the mornings if needed, you can soak off the t-shirt in shower but vaseline should prevent that...

Vaseline makes the blood not clot, which is why they put it on during the tattoo (it also lubricates the needle going into the skin). Don't put anything on it the first night and keep it covered with the wrap they put on, then unscented lotion sparingly when it's too dry. Most importantly, follow what the tattoo artist says.

Do not put Vaseline on your tattoos! It dulls the ink and makes it less vibrant. The only thing that you should ever put on your tattoo is un scented lotion when it starts to peel.

No, OP shouldn't peel it away slowly. That can damage the tattoo, they need to wet it and work at it to fall off.

It is part of you now, best to move on and accept your new body.

OP here! Thanks for the funny comments! This actually happened a couple of years ago - it was my first tatt and was only told to rub it regularly with savlon until it healed, and to sleep on my stomach. I ended up jumping in the shower and soaked the duvet to peel off slowly. As seen from my profile pic it wasn't damaged in the end and turned out pretty damn sweet!

Awesome tattoo, OP? What does the character in the middle mean?

Wow, that really is a cool tattoo! Great choice!

lizlala 15

Yep it means luck, and it's my own design, though my dad wrote the character for me in the centre (he has incredible hand-writing).

trellz17 19

Either way, take it off before infection starts.

Your gonna have to soak your duvet before you take that off! Peeling slowly or ripping is gonna damage the tattoo! Trust me my t-shirt got stuck to mine once!

Maybe now you should get a tattoo of your duvet

dancer824 18

When I was first reading it I thought OP was going to say they like their duvet so much they got a tattoo of it

It's an inspiration for when you're at work.

Water bottle with water and soap.... That truly is a nightmare.

This is why they advise keeping it covered by clingfilm for the first few days

You should not put clingfilm on a tattoo. The only thing that you should put on it is an actual tattoo bandage and you should not keep it covered more than the first night, if even that long. Clingfilm is a breeding ground for bacteria and a new tattoo needs to breathe or it will get infected.

First few hours* You should never keep that stuff on for very long. You need to let it breathe after an hour or two.

boxers4lyfe 17

Actually tattoo Germ is best to cover a tattoo for one to two days

You can't keep a tattoo covered for more than a few hours!

Everyone needs to realise that different tattoo artists suggest different ways of caring for your new ink. I have a collection of ink myself, and my artist (along with the other artists in the shop) advised to clean the tattoo, put cream on it, then wrap it with cling wrap for the first 3 nights. All my ink has healed perfectly using this method. There's no right or wrong way, as everyone is different.