By Anonymous - 11/02/2011 18:15 - United States

Today, I realized that as a result of working in an office which has an oddly-placed window, the direct sunlight has caused the left side of my face to become significantly darker than the right. Just call me Harvey Dent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 864
You deserved it 3 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should turn your desk around and get the other side tanned up too :)

Or close the damn window? Maybe get some blinds? You can't get a tan through glass because it filters out UV light, so either the dumbass is leaving the window open or he's lying.


Windows block UV-B rays, the ones that gives you the tan.

mygreenhoodie 0

ydi for making a reference I had to google

xXBlAcKxWiDoWXx 0

But your driver, not so lucky. BOOM

my question is as such: if you say your face is burnt on one side, then close the window. otherwise your full of shit because UV rays don't travel through glass. maybe you should have put: I made shit up and posted to FML so I would have a resemblance of a life but got called out on it. FML.

RaVeN53 7

U obviously didn't pay attention in Physics when they taught you that UV Rays can't go through glass O_o

TheDrop 0

Everyone should screencap this FML. Op might go on a killing spree tomorrow in his office

How is that possible? I mean.. You can't get tanned trough glass so you must have had the window opened to let the sunlight 'in' if you get me.. and in that case you should have known better? Kinda funny though if it's true