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Confinement must be great

By Lisa - 24/04/2020 05:00

Today, my boyfriend and I broke up because he won’t stop inappropriately talking to other girls on social media. We live together and have 6 months left on our apartment lease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 686
You deserved it 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Read the post again. Op wrote inappropriately talking to other girls, which means it's not just 'talking to them' and op certainely has what to worry about and a cause for breaking up.

Now, you have a roommate and can date whoever you want. Make sure you **** said dates on his bed -- especially if you get a freak who's into pooping stuff.


slowhandjp 16

Just because you broke up doesn't mean you don't live together.

Now, you have a roommate and can date whoever you want. Make sure you **** said dates on his bed -- especially if you get a freak who's into pooping stuff.

so you're boyfriend has friends solution break up and be a **** good logic there guy

So he talks to other girls? So what? I’m a guy. I’m completely straight. And I’ve been happily married for 40+ years. And 2 (count ‘em: 2!) of my closest friends happen to be Female. I happen to get along with girls better than guys. My kids call them affectionally: “Aunt”. Even though there’s no blood between us. They know they always have permission to pick them up from school and take them to the park. Or wherever. If all he’s doing is just talking to them then stop being so non-trusting and immature. Because otherwise you’re going to spoil the relationship you have with him. And you’ll only have yourself to blame.

Read the post again. Op wrote inappropriately talking to other girls, which means it's not just 'talking to them' and op certainely has what to worry about and a cause for breaking up.

“Inappropriately” could mean just talking to other girls. Some women would find just having them as friends to be inappropriate because she’s afraid the girls will take him from her. Instead of just having the trust and confidence needed to have a healthy relationship.

No, "inappropriately" means highly sexual. Surely, your wife knows about these friends of yours and you would not mind her reading your communications with them? Then, that's not inappropriate. You have to learn the current connotation of words. For example, "literally" now has no meaning and is just verbal filler like "y'know", "like" and "um."

First of all, “talking to” in our generations (Millennials and Gen Zs) means flirting with in certain contexts, one of which includes this. Secondly, OP said her now ex was talking inappropriately with other girls, which implies that he was not only flirting, but full on sexting them. I’m glad you’ve managed to have female friends, and I fully believe it is possible to have friends of the same sex as your partner, but that is not the case in this situation. He’s a cheating ass, and that’s all there is to it.

Taylor Caldwell 10

She specifically said it was inappropriate content not just that he simple has girl friends he talks with. As a boyfriend he is showing a pattern of disrespect towards her and she was right to leave him.

clover1983 12

It would be a cold day in hell before any of my husbands female “friends” picks my kids up from school, the park, or even knew them.

I'm guessing by her wording it wasn't innocent

i mean it says hes talking to them inappropriately. the problem doesnt seem to be that hes talking to them, more so how hes talking to them.

breefearless 4

and maybe you should read what she said. he wont stop talking INNAPROPRIATELY to them. so dont be rude to her hes the one ruining it by being disrespectful

Susan Yee 9

She said the guy talked to them, “inappropriately”. Talking as friends vs inappropriate flirting are not the same.

He inappropriately talks to other girls. That crosses a line.

CharlieDiesel159391 3

You do realize she never said they were friends. Right? so randomly talking to other girls inappropriately should not just be ignored. That would make any woman and in fact any man in that situation start having trust issues. so you're telling me you'd be okay with your wife talking to other men randomly and being inappropriate?

you might of missed the point where she said, inappropriately talking to them...its fine to have friends of the opposite sex but, to be disrespectful is, a whole other level

xbaconator9000x 16

Yeah no. That's not what she said.

your reading comprehension skills are lacking. OP said "inappropriately talking to other girls". meaning flirting, hitting on, nudes, all that shit.

MrRobertsEst1990 5

Kick em out, renew the lease and live peaceably.

EmDizzle2007 28
katrenee703 4
FadedShield 5

In reality I'm gonna say this deal didn't develop over night which means you were around it before you made a str ok ng decision to live together. if this has been a developing problem or existed from day one, who cares? you made the choice now you get to live with it. on the other hand if it's a relatively new situation then I'm sorry he doesn't view you as enough and go get you a better guy or at least some better dick to run him over with. roommates live together you can draw the line.

Because he... didn't stop? Not because he started in the first place? If he was doing that when you moved in together, you made a mistake.