By Anonymous - 18/09/2017 01:30

Today, I realized that the random string of numbers I deleted in my phone notes a few months ago was actually the pin code to my new bank account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 229
You deserved it 2 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alup132 22

How do you not know what your banking PIN is or at least the length of it to know that it's not a random string of numbers?

Next time, label it in your phone notes as your pin code.


Alup132 22

How do you not know what your banking PIN is or at least the length of it to know that it's not a random string of numbers?

Next time, label it in your phone notes as your pin code.

And if someone finds your phone, they can drain your account! My PIN is in a note diabolically named “Definitely not my PIN number.” Cyber-security requires genius moves like that.

Bullshit! If hacker movies and television are anything to go by, you bank code—like /every/ code—is a series of words with deep personal meaning, like the name of a dead pet, a loved one, or a dead loved one.

Lobby_Bee 17

You saves it for a reason, why delete it without trying to recall what it's for?

And that number was...? nah, just kidding.

Ashish Kumar 6

that doesn't even make sense. it took you months to figure it out?

I got a debit card when I was about 15. I never used it and i forgot about it until I was 18. I just went to the bank and filled out some paperwork and showed some ID and they let me reset my pin.